Sources close to Kate Gosselin have indicated that in addition to getting another ultra expensive new hairdo to up her chances of finding a new daddy for her kids, the newly divorced Ms. Gosselin is also being told by her manager to find time to attend some much needed anger management classes. “We decided that on a go-forward basis, we really need to work on Kate’s anger issues if she is going to be successful in future television endeavors, i.e. continuing to make both of us lots of money,” he said with a smile.
Kate Gosselin, infamous for her on-air temper tantrums, is being told to get help immediately before things totally fall apart, but Kate is none too happy about the news. Former crew members on the set of Jon and Kate Plus 8 are sharing horror stories about Kate’s unchecked shrewish behavior both toward Jon and members of her staff off screen as well. “Where’s my damned push-up bra,” she was heard yelling one day last April when the cute little dotted swiss top she was wearing just didn’t look right with an ordinary Maidenform. “When the push-up bra was found in the sandbox being filled with play sand by two of Gosselin’s ‘tuplets, the sh*t hit the fan,” said another staff member. “Boy does that woman have a pair of lungs.”
“There is just too much going on in Kate’s life right now and without some kind of guidance as to how to control her anger a little better, no one is going to profit from trying to find a new avenue for her talents, i.e. full-time stay-at-home-mom,” said Gosselin’s latest nanny. “I know that I, for one, got down on my hands and knees and praised God when I found out that she (Kate) was finally told that unless she took anger management classes, she’d have no more TV deals. That woman scares the living crap out of me.”
We asked a local therapist what he thought about Gosselin finally getting the help she needed and he had this to say, “I don’t know Kate personally, just professionally…we all do. We’ve all had her in our office at one time or another (talking about the Berks County Psychiatric Business Association). She’d come in, take a look around, wave her arms wildly and walk out in a huff claiming that she didn’t need help from anyone. It was sad and it was maddening. But now, someone’s finally found the balls to make her go, and we are all just hoping this time it sticks.”
Unfortunately, while only a handful of Kate’s fans wish her well and want her to get better, most everyone else secretly desires seeing the ‘crash-and-burn’ behavior Kate is so famous for and this may keep her from continuing with therapy. Unless Jon Gosselin steps up to the plate and lands a gig as America’s Most Famous Gigolo to make some cash and help out with the kid’s expenses, Kate has no other alternative but to get some help, and fast.
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind, however, that whatever Jon and Kate decide to do, they will do it in front of the cameras and won’t do it for less than a few hundred thousand dollars a taping. Because when it comes down to it, their kids’ futures depend on it.
This article is far-fetched and therefore unbelievable. No reputable therapist is going to give out the information said here. Also, the bra episode is a pathetic poke at humor. Print more creditable information and you’ll attrack more readers and posters.
For some reason I just don’t find this very funny. Got anybody more topcal and relevant to mock?
Try walking in her shoes for a day.
Anger Management? How about some therapy for her control issues? That’d be nice. I really like Kate, but it seems she would benefit most from conquering her obsessive need to control every little detail in almost every situation. Some might say it has to do with her being organized, but I think her controlling ways are a bit over the top and drive people away from her.
eh, ya win some ya lose some.
FINALLY. THANK THE GOOD LORD. However, it will not work. She thinks she is above all that and she sure isnt. She is the worst of the worst. In the above article it states ” only a handful” of Khate fans. Heck I say its even less then that. The freaks over on Radaronline change their names so it looks like she has more fans then she actually does. She is a horrible person and a worse mother. I cant wait until the nannies or crew write a book about what we DIDNT get to see. So we can get the whole truth. We already know she is a MONSTER
I’m just glad for the childrens’ sakes that she is being forced to get some help.
Pretty interesting that Nanny Judy says, “that woman scares the crap out of me.”
She needs help. FINALLY somebody stepped up and is making it happen.
I would like to see those that throw stones at Kate Gosslin to walk in her shoes for one day. I do not see her as an angry person. She gets stressed and reacts. How human of her. You try raising 8 kids, 6 of which are the same age, and be married to someone who bailed ship because he didn’t have the balls to stick it out.
I really want Kate to succeed and if her employers think she needs anger management then good, she will learn new skills and will be more able to deal with her stressful life. It can be a good thing for her and the children. I wish her and her family the best.
I bet the GWoP site will have a hayday with this one! Can’t wait to read their posts:)
It took me a while to realize this article was satire and not the truth! I was thinking — heck ya, anger management classes for her are a great idea.
Whatever. She is not sick, she has 8 kids and a cheating low life X husband plus a carreer. I’m sure she has had good reason to get angry and go off at times. She does 100 times more than I do and I have a full time job my self. Give her a break. Also, sho cares what kind of hair do she has….thats here business. She could shave her head for all I care…Why does everyone have something to say about things that are none of their business!!!