Category: Society
Easter Fell On April Fools Day This Year!
WARNING- Not for the religiously sensitive!!! God to the world “He wasn’t really my son! He was adopted! ………………. April Fools!”
Unbelievable! New Fines Introduced For Silly “Cooking & Driving” Offence… What’s Going On!
Drivers caught cooking whilst driving are to face tough penalties, the government says. Under new rules expected to come in next year, drivers will receive six points on their license and a £120 fine.
Yet Another Amazing New Book Cover… The Incredible Curmudgeonly Professor!
My satire book ‘Professor Smiggles & the New Intellectual Warfare’ has beautiful, cute new cover! Just look at the cuddly wise old owl… Up in the top right corner of this article! Part one of the book is satire from…
Google May Indeed Auto-Complete Your Racism: But What about DuckDuckGo?
Way back in 2013, we had an edgy article about how Google use autofill to complete your racism. By the way, you’ll notice I linked to Google unnecessarily. Exactly what a good Agorist sympathiser would do! Ha ha.
Sometimes It is Worth It To Read The Yahoo Comments Section
Sometimes it is worth it to read the comment section on Yahoo articles. This one is about a woman in Florida who was having an affair with her brother and gave birth to a child who was not entirely normal.
The Beauty of the World to Come
One of the most commonly misunderstood parables is the marriage of the man with six brothers: Luke 20: 27-38 (Douay-Rheims Bible, 1899, American Edition):
Curious Memes from the Road Trip of an Appalachian Spring
NOTE FROM RFREED: REAL PHOTOS FROM A REAL TRIP THAT WAS A REAL TRIP! Photos taken in east Kentucky, western Virginia, southern West Virginia and south-eastern Ohio.
1st Amendment Dead? Sam Harris Arrested in California for Blasphemous Hate Speech Fuelled Tirade
Renowned neuroscientist and well-meaning internet celebrity Sam Harris has been arrested for a mildly intemperate hate rant at the University of California, Berkeley. Belligerently roaring over a mob of blue-haired bulimic pride intersexuals, iron-clad antifa anarcho-anal retentivists and jihadi jew-baiters,…
GTX 860 Owner insists “Human Eye Can’t See More Than 8 Frames per Second”
Jeremy Hunt Warns the Public of… “Cough Your Asshole Out Craze!”
UK secretary of state for health Jeremy Hunt has warned the public of the latest social media craze… ‘Cough your asshole out!