Posted in Making Headlines The Rest

Coca-Cola Resurrects 1889 Advertising Campaign by Adding Coke

ATLANTA, GA – Every fan of Coca-Cola was jumping with joy on Friday morning as the beverage behemoth’s first round of new TV ads hit the airwaves featuring a new message intended to boost sales of its beverages, which have…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Coca-Cola Resurrects 1889 Advertising Campaign by Adding Coke
Posted in Human Interest Making Headlines Politics Religionism Society Top Stories

Same Sex Jail Romance Leads to Kentucky Clerk’s Change of Heart

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue gay marriage licenses and was taken into federal custody for contempt of court, has posted bond and been released after having a change of heart in jail. After experiencing what she called…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Same Sex Jail Romance Leads to Kentucky Clerk’s Change of Heart
Posted in Politics

Obama Renames Mount McKinley “Caitlyn”

President Obama announced this Sunday that he is officially changing the name of Mount McKinley in Alaska, to Caitlyn, via his 1, 079th executive order since taking office in 2009. The mountain formally known as McKinley, at 20,320 feet, is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Obama Renames Mount McKinley “Caitlyn”
Posted in Politics

Iowa State Fair Exhibits True Nature Of Politics by Having Presidential Candidates Penned up.

This year’s crop of Presidential weeds….. er… candidates made their appearance this week at the traditional show case starting gate for the quad yearly election- the Iowa State Fair. This time in a stock pen. All the hopefuls vying for…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Iowa State Fair Exhibits True Nature Of Politics by Having Presidential Candidates Penned up.
Posted in Music Politics

Presidential Hopeful Rand Paul Says Terrorists Have Better Music

Cleveland Ohio – On August 6th the presidential hopefuls for the Republican party gathered in attempts to remind people that Donald Trump is not a real candidate. Among the cocks in the cluster fuck were Governor Chris “Bridge-y McHugs” Christie…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Presidential Hopeful Rand Paul Says Terrorists Have Better Music
Posted in Politics

Dentist Who Shot Lion Enters GOP Presidential Race

Walter Palmer, the dentist who shot and killed the beloved African lion Cecil, has become the latest candidate to enter the crowded Republican presidential race. The Minnesota doctor made the announcement via Twitter. Early polls among Republican voters show Mr….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dentist Who Shot Lion Enters GOP Presidential Race
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Berke Breathed Breathes Life Again Into Bloom County

Berke Breathed, beloved cartoonist of the once greatly beloved cartoon Bloom County, has returned from the dead…… Oh….. Wait a moment……he wasn’t actually dead…….. He only stopped making his cartoon for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!!!!!!!! Bloom County, once one of the most…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Berke Breathed Breathes Life Again Into Bloom County
Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

9/12/2001 – The Days After The Unimaginable Happened – Part 7 – the Iraq Factor

9/12/2001 – The Days After The Unimaginable Happened – Part 7 – The Iraq Factor (A serial book excerpt) After President Bush is killed when Flight 93 strikes the White House on 9/11, Vice President Cheney ascends to the throne….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 9/12/2001 – The Days After The Unimaginable Happened – Part 7 – the Iraq Factor
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics World News

“But Immigration is Complex…” Uh-uh, Not so Fast

Coming up to the 2015 General Election, the inflammatory rhetoric of UKIP is a worrying feature of the complex political scene in the UK. It’s always been complex, of course… Well, we have had politicians who have expanded the suffrage…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “But Immigration is Complex…” Uh-uh, Not so Fast
Posted in Strange People

Justifiable Justice – Making the Punishment Ergonomic with the Crime

Punishments for crime have become rote in our modern society. A person can murder any number of people and still be allowed to live his life out even though he is less that worthless to the society which allows him…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Justifiable Justice – Making the Punishment Ergonomic with the Crime