Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

The Many (questionable) Roads To Success

So many are struggling in our current difficult economic times where the few controlling the financial strings of the country have the rest of us dancing around just to survive while they watch from the porches of their grand estates…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Many (questionable) Roads To Success
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Television

Cantankerous Collaborator Steven Colbert to Take Over for Lame Liberal Lefty Letterman

The ultimate traitor, Steven Colbert, has sold his soul and gone over to the dark side of the Force. In signing a deal with CBS, probably with a pinprick and a signature in blood, he has given up his proud…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cantankerous Collaborator Steven Colbert to Take Over for Lame Liberal Lefty Letterman
Posted in Sports Events

What Would Have Happened Had The Packers Played The Seahawks For The Super Bowl

Far beyond the reaches of normal men’s consciousnesses there exists a part of the etheric worlds where what could have been still can be. All events as remembered by the minds of men are not held fast in memories lock,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What Would Have Happened Had The Packers Played The Seahawks For The Super Bowl
Posted in Celebrity Gossip

Is Duck Dynasty’s Goose Finally Cooked?

The once-popular A&E Reality Television show Duck Dynasty is slowly sinking into oblivion as more and more people are coming out of their down-filled slumber and realizing the show does nothing more than glorify redneck values. (Hey, wait a minute….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Is Duck Dynasty’s Goose Finally Cooked?
Posted in Entertainment Gadgets & Gizmos

Video Game Makers Reach Around to Senior Citizens

As the video game industry continues to mature, game makers are scrambling to create the next generation of games designed specifically for a maturing demographics. You can give the older gamers a fancier avatar, but it’s a lot harder to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Video Game Makers Reach Around to Senior Citizens
Posted in Sports Sportsfolk

Thanksgiving Holiday Raises Age-Old Family Question: What is Football?

Aunt Marjorie is still at the table, Uncle Dave is in the den screaming about God knows what, and all the kids are jacked up on pumpkin pie. Yes, it’s football/Thanksgiving season once again. But what is football? Some Americans…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thanksgiving Holiday Raises Age-Old Family Question: What is Football?
Posted in Strange People

Best Costumes of White House Halloween Ball Announced

The Reuters News Service has published the results of the voting on who (and what) wore the best costumes to the 2013 Halloween Ball at the White House. A hearty congratulations to all those who received a mention and a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Best Costumes of White House Halloween Ball Announced
Posted in Sports Events War Zone

Glossy Staff Admits Butt-Hurt After Reaming by NRA Riled Redneck Brigade

The staff of Glossy news is busy licking their wounds today after a fierce word-lashing by a number of drive-by commentator fan(atic)s of the NRA. While a few commenters stand out in the article, the sum of their words was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Glossy Staff Admits Butt-Hurt After Reaming by NRA Riled Redneck Brigade
Posted in Human Interest Society

A brief history of the apology

Apologizing is as old as mankind. The very first recorded apology took place in the Garden of Eden, when Eve apologized to Adam for goading him into taking a bite out of the apple. An ancient Greek translation of her…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A brief history of the apology
Posted in Religionism Strange People

Taliban Reveals Their Version of the Ten Commandments

It is not well known that the Islamic Religion also uses the Bible as a prophetic religious work. That means that they believe in the Ten Commandments as received by Moses from Jehovah. Unfortunately, as can be expected, the Taliban…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Taliban Reveals Their Version of the Ten Commandments