Posted in Politics

Newt Volunteers/Threatens to Join Mars One-Way Mission (If Not Appointed to Cabinet)

(NOTE FROM WALLACE RUNNYMEDE: HERE’S A QUICK AND DIRTY ONE FROM BRIAN. NOW, I WONDER WHO THAT REMINDS YOU OF?) Fallow bucket of human compost and erstwhile DC King Maker Newton Leroy Gingrich has put up his name as a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Newt Volunteers/Threatens to Join Mars One-Way Mission (If Not Appointed to Cabinet)
Posted in Music Politics Top Stories

What the Presidential Candidates Are Doing—Right This Moment

With the Election mercifully only hours away, the three major candidates (and one cameo candidate) are done putting the final touches on their respective Frankenstein campaigns. Using an unholy combination of satanic ritual coupled with classified NSA technology that hasn’t…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What the Presidential Candidates Are Doing—Right This Moment
Posted in Internets Tubes Music

Hey Hey Donald Hey: (With Apologies to Bill Frederick’s: Hey Hey LBJ)

Hey Hey Donald Hey, How many casinos did you lose today? Gonna file for bankruptcy and lose your dollars now, oh, boy! Donald Trump has eager hands to grab another bargain, She runs off and tells the mob that Donald…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hey Hey Donald Hey: (With Apologies to Bill Frederick’s: Hey Hey LBJ)
Posted in Human Interest Making Headlines Top Stories

History – As Told by Forgotten Newspaper Headlines

The recent presidential election has resulted in some pretty shocking newspaper headlines – like when Scotland’s The Daily Record ran a cover story showing a photo of Donald Trump at his swank new Scottish golf course on a windy day,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! History – As Told by Forgotten Newspaper Headlines
Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

Clinton vs Weiner: The Democrats Are Screwed?

Where are we and how did we get here? I am paraphrasing the words of Jim Stockdale in the 1992 US Vice Presidential debate. Those are also the words much of the American electorate asks near Election Day. A sure…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Clinton vs Weiner: The Democrats Are Screwed?
Posted in Podcasts Video News

4K Glossy News Podcast 066 (10-24-16)

The 4K/UHD podcast is back again with a whole new slew of stuff. Here are just some of the topics covered in the the October 24th, 2016 edition. * NO MORE election updates. I wanted to do more, but it’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 4K Glossy News Podcast 066 (10-24-16)
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Muslims Report Stuff

At the second presidential debate, a Muslim member of the Town Hall audience asked Donald Trump what could be done to reduce the intense level of Islamophobia. Trump replied with what many Americans think is an outstanding solution to address…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Muslims Report Stuff
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Hillary Clinton To Make Direct Appeal To Less-Educated, White, Male Voters

In the final run-up to the US presidential elections, Hillary Clinton is hoping to ensure victory by winning-over the one demographic group that Donald Trump has yet failed to insult or alienate. That group consists of white American men without…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hillary Clinton To Make Direct Appeal To Less-Educated, White, Male Voters
Posted in Health Politics

Republicans Praised for Reducing Stigma for Psychopaths

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.–The National Institute of Mental Health congratulated the Republican Party for helping to accustom Americans to those with mental illness, by elevating obvious psychopaths to positions of high office. Doctor Fernando Lamas, chairman of the Institute, said at…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Republicans Praised for Reducing Stigma for Psychopaths
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Inflammatory Gary Johnson & Bill Weld Video: Secret Transcript Leak

Libertarian POTUS 2016 hopefuls Gary Johnson and Bill Weld have recently done a revamp of their recent edgy campaign video. This hilarious inept video makeover hasn’t been released yet; but the new video does contain the edgy guitar instrumentals of David…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Inflammatory Gary Johnson & Bill Weld Video: Secret Transcript Leak