Posted in Celebrity Gossip Religionism

WTF? Crazy Dalai Lama Claims War Crimes Are Purely a Matter of Context!

Everybody knows that unlike all the so-called “Abrahamic Religions” like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i, Rastafarianism, etc., Buddhism is in a class of its own. But why? Obviously, because people belonging to all other religions have practiced patriarchy, homophobia, racism, and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! WTF? Crazy Dalai Lama Claims War Crimes Are Purely a Matter of Context!
Posted in Crime Politics

GOP End of Days Panic: Rick Perry Declares Himself the Anti-Reagan

The GOP is getting worried about outside infiltration and even supernatural omens, as rumor has it that Rick Perry has revealed himself to aides as the literal anti-Reagan. No need to worry about fire and brimstone, signs in the Heavens,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GOP End of Days Panic: Rick Perry Declares Himself the Anti-Reagan
Posted in Politics Religionism

Rand and Rev. Al Share the Pie Equally, Dems & Reps Unimpressed!

Senator Rand Paul and Reverend Al Sharpton have shown some interparty solidarity and cut up a blueberry pie into equal slices at a dialogue and lunch event.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rand and Rev. Al Share the Pie Equally, Dems & Reps Unimpressed!
Posted in Health Human Interest

Coloradoans Now Even Bigger A**holes Since Start Of Legalized Pot

The wonder mellower-outer cannabis, always said to have a positive, tranquilizing affect on its users, has unfortunately not had such an effect on the normally ego-centered Coloradoans who recently legalized use of it. “Criminy,” said Jim Bames, over the road…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Coloradoans Now Even Bigger A**holes Since Start Of Legalized Pot
Posted in Health Strange People

College Senior More Concerned With Zombie Apocalypse Than Future

University if Missouri, Columbia — Despite his mounting college debt and lack of employment, college senior Brent Hamilton appears to be more troubled by the prospect of a zombie apocalypse than his imminent future. “Brent’s always been a little eccentric,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! College Senior More Concerned With Zombie Apocalypse Than Future
Posted in Politics Religionism

Pelosi Gets Tough on Pope Francis Regime

It seems not everybody is charmed by controversial cleric Pope Francis. Indeed, one prominent US politician, Nancy Pelosi, is planning very stern measures to punish what she considers to be the brutal and savage policies and order of governance of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pelosi Gets Tough on Pope Francis Regime
Posted in Education Health

Sex Ed Declared Gross and Bad

Oakland, Indiana — Sexual Education is a course dealing with human sexuality, including anatomy, reproduction, health, and reproductive rights and responsibilities. The topic of whether or not sexual education should be instructed in public schools is still highly controversial and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sex Ed Declared Gross and Bad
Posted in Human Interest Society

Cat Owners Have Hissy Fit Over New Ice Bucket Challenge

A new twist on the popular Facebook Ice Bucket Challenge, which raises money for Lou Gehrig’s Disease, has animal rights activists up in arms, legs and paws alike. The trend, which started amongst celebrities and athletes and spread to Facebook,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cat Owners Have Hissy Fit Over New Ice Bucket Challenge
Posted in Health Kidz Zone

Sex Crazed Teens “Syruping” Leads to Genital Ants

One invariable about teens is that, whether raised in the abstinence-only belt of high teen birth rates, or normal states, kids be getting down and dirty. This latest crazy craze involves young girls, often those from the flag team, dousing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sex Crazed Teens “Syruping” Leads to Genital Ants
Posted in Human Interest

Man Ordering Drink With Meal Undoubtedly Reincarnation Of Gluttonous Roman Emperor

BETHESDA, MD—In an obscene display of wanton excess, local restaurant patron Don Mayhew stunned onlookers as he openly indulged himself in the extravagance of a soft drink along with his meal, disdainfully eschewing the common man’s glass of ice water….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Man Ordering Drink With Meal Undoubtedly Reincarnation Of Gluttonous Roman Emperor