Category: Society
Beast Mode Now Slated to Speak Virtually to Princeton Grads: List of Other Celeb Grad Speeches Online
When Princeton announced Marshawn Lynch of Beast Mode fame would speak to grads, other schools scrambled to attract headline-makers. Since, all education’s virtual at this point because of Covid-19 protocols, these speeches will be online to grads. This will give…
A Modest Proposal for Curb Side Service
I have listed all my neighbors in the order I will eat them. When COVID-19 closed the schools, then the bars, then the restaurants, I could see the spaghetti noodles on the wall. America was on the verge of Apocalypse….
Stalker turns a woman’s hair into a diamond engagement ring
A woman meets her stalker face to face for the first time and he proposes with a diamond made from her hair. Shockingly, she said “Yes!” Two years later, they are still together with a baby on the way. Melvin…
NOTE- This recipe should only be used as a preventative if you do not have COVID-19 already. The herbs, juices and fruits contained in this drink have been used for ages against many types of flu’s, colds and viruses. Maybe,…
Donald Rumsfeld Emerges from Underground Lair asking, “Am I no longer the most evil Donald?”
Suspected reptillian and confirmed demon Donald Rumsfeld, the gleeful architect of no fewer than all deaths in the Middle East (2001-2009) permitted the light of day to wash across his face in a rare instance of seeming mortality Wednesday. “Wait,”…
Not Enough Health Workers While The Virus Ravages? I Wonder Why…….
A couple decades ago I took an interest in becoming an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and, eventually, maybe even a paramedic. The local community college, famous for its EMT program, had classes on a regular basis at reasonable rates. I…
Preparing for Your First International Business Trip
Whether you’re a consultant hired to work on a project overseas, an entrepreneur looking for funding abroad or an employee, taking your first international business trip can be both exciting and daunting. If you’re self-employed or hope to be, you…
Social Distancing? Hey, No Problem For We Misanthropes!
Stay six feet away? I do that anyway! Stay home and don’t have guests? Ditto! Don’t touch anyone? Bingo! Avoid people? You got it! I got this whole quarantine thing down and I don’t even have to change any of…
Hottest New Mutation on the Market Goes Viral
The short science behind the hot specs. You’ve heard of COVID-19: It’s the new discovery, the new disease, and the fastest-growing on the market, despite the recent dips on Wall Street! Legend has it that in the 1960s, some stuffy old White…
A Warning from Devon: Coronavirus is NOT About You!
Devon – where the welcome is as warm as the weather. “Gerroff moi laaand!” This is how you exercise social distancing, kids. Those of you too cool/selfish to adhere to the containment advice, please use condoms over the next few…