Category: Society
The Acceptable Antisemitism of the Anti-Racist Community (ARCom)
Just look at the following link. I think the headline may be inappropriate and probably risks tapping into Alt-Right sentiment. Perhaps focusing on anti-semitism might been better? Still, it is well known journalists often do not choose the headline anyway.
Santa Drives Sleigh, Amazon Drives him to Bankruptcy
The North Pole: Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick was anything but Jolly as he announced to his elves and a tearful Mrs. Claus, that his North Pole-based Christmas empire, Kringle Corp World-Wide, will be filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy later this…
Slavoj Zizek Joins the Pervert Cinema on Youtube
Not everyone knows who Slavoj Zizek is… But there are those who do! It’s great to see this parody artist doing an INCREDIBLY convincing parody of Zizek’s mannerism and common phrases. Not sure whether how far the lyrical content can…
My Plan to Stop Racist Bigots (A Modest Proposal)
I’m going to tolerate respectable MIC racism for decades and shout down anyone who starts imagining things and calling me a bigot. Then when my racism starts turning into genuinely indecent racism, I am going to let these ignorant right-wing…
Male/Female Sex Ratios and Neurodiversity Revisited (2/2)
One of the problems with this line of thinking is that similar ratios have been reported in other developmental disorders. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, intellectual disabilities, and stuttering are among those. The social problems of autism do not exist…
Imperialist Aliens Should Check Their Privilege
It seems privileged metropolitan latte-sipping aliens have a problem with the equally privileged double standards of mundane down-to-earth Earthling types.
Male/Female Sex Ratios and Neurodiversity Revisited (1/2)
One of the hot topics in autism lately has been skepticism over the reported ratio of autism in males versus females. Ever since autism was first described, an approximately 4:1 male:female ratio has been reported. This started with Kanner’s initial…
Brexit Voters To Face Prosecution
Activists from the EU referendum Remain Campaign are continuing with plans to pursue criminal prosecutions for many of those who voted to leave the EU. ‘We do not wish to be divisive or retaliatory,’ said a spokesman for the activists,…
Fellow Asperger’s People: ‘Society’ Owes You Nothing
Here, I am quoting some of my tweets from November 14, 2016. You can probably guess what facets of my identity motivate these tweets. If you have autism, ‘Society’ owes you nothing!