Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Entertainment

Cenk Uygur: Extraordinary, Unprecedented Anti-Corporation Rant

A recent “virulent” rant by Cenk Uygur has gone “viral” on Youtube… Oh, crap. Mere semantics again, isn’t it?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cenk Uygur: Extraordinary, Unprecedented Anti-Corporation Rant
Posted in Entertainment Internets Tubes Music

Wacky Friends Parodies (III): Dictators

The bizarrely-named ‘Hitler Trolls’ have a whole slew of dictators! This time, instead of Nazis alone (as with the video from a few days ago by a different creator), we have Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Wacky Friends Parodies (III): Dictators
Posted in Human Interest Politics

Turning Their Guns Into Plowshares

In a surprising and eloquent speech before the media today President Select Trump offered new and unexpected opinions on the horrific mass shooting that shocked Texas and the world on Sunday.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Turning Their Guns Into Plowshares
Posted in Society

China Officially Adopts Infantilized America in 2047

Dateline: PLAYGROUND 307, Year 2051—The eight hundred remaining adults in the United States are increasingly asking how the Age of Reason become the Age of Babies.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! China Officially Adopts Infantilized America in 2047
Posted in Video News World News

GN Video: North Korea Cat/Human Food… Mini/Tremendous Golf?!

Haters gonna hate; and nobody has more haters than North Korea, for some explicable reason. It’s no wonder Lil’ Kim has been borrowing Trump’s rhetoric.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GN Video: North Korea Cat/Human Food… Mini/Tremendous Golf?!
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Hillary Revives Career with Controversial Playboy Appearance

Following in the footsteps of the late-lamented Hugh Heffner, and drawing strength and inspiration from fellow latte liberal Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to revive her fortunes with a controversial Playboy interview.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hillary Revives Career with Controversial Playboy Appearance
Posted in Politics War Zone

Despite what Moscow says, Shareblue is NOT Correct The Record

During the 2016 elections, a Super PAC called “Correct the Record” (CTR for short) stated their goal of seeking out untrue stories and debunking them on social media. Trump supporters, led by Moscow, jumped on this as supposed proof that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Despite what Moscow says, Shareblue is NOT Correct The Record
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Jake Tapper Softballs Evil Werewolf Who Just Ate His Entire Neighborhood (H/T Benjamin Cain)

Hot on the heels of a recent tragedy where Jimmy Fallon let a serial killer murder his guests live on TV, rival softball emperor Jake Tapper has made a fairly serious blunder too.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jake Tapper Softballs Evil Werewolf Who Just Ate His Entire Neighborhood (H/T Benjamin Cain)
Posted in Politics

Historical Interest or Historical Relic? 6 Mitch McConnell Parody Ads from Way Back!

NOTE FROM WALLACE: Brian K. White’s Youtube channel is well worth subscribing to!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Historical Interest or Historical Relic? 6 Mitch McConnell Parody Ads from Way Back!
Posted in Top Stories

Two More Rocky and Spyder Scams! Follow Glossy News, & Brian’s Youtube Channel!

America’s greatest fraudsters are back! Forget the Clinton Foundation and Trump University.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Two More Rocky and Spyder Scams! Follow Glossy News, & Brian’s Youtube Channel!