Posted in Entertainment

Prophetic Bible School Civics Test: A Civics Final Exam Response from the Year 2000

[Last Section – 20 points] Choose one essay prompt and respond to it thoroughly and correctly after you     have turned in the multiple-choice part of the test: 1)      Detail the impeachment process, important during this last Clinton term, and critique…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Prophetic Bible School Civics Test: A Civics Final Exam Response from the Year 2000
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics

Barr’s Secret Police Identified as Unemployed Walmart Security Guards

Washington DC (WAPO) Dismayed by the May jobs report and the unabated protests outside the White House, Administration Spokesperson, Kay (I need to get…) leighed MagaNinny announced yesterday that Attorney Generalissimo William Barf, Economic Guru Supremo Kevin Hassbeen and Walmart…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Barr’s Secret Police Identified as Unemployed Walmart Security Guards
Posted in Entertainment

IF the Rich and Famous Had to Make Tough Choices Like the Rest of Us: How They Would Spend Government Covid-19 Stimulus Checks

IF rich and famous Americans, not used to direct handouts from the government (though used to indirect benefits such as whopping tax write-offs) received stimulus checks of up to $1200 like 83% of us, what would they have spent this…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! IF the Rich and Famous Had to Make Tough Choices Like the Rest of Us: How They Would Spend Government Covid-19 Stimulus Checks
Posted in Human Interest Making Headlines Politics Top Stories World News

Nation of Self-Obsessed Attention Hogs Whine  About Sea Levels Rising Due to Climate Change

FUNAFUTI, TUVALU– After years of whining and moaning about possible ecological devastation and flooding which would render their entire country uninhabitable, little Tuvalu finally got its moment in the sun when the international press threw the petulant brats a handful…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nation of Self-Obsessed Attention Hogs Whine  About Sea Levels Rising Due to Climate Change
Posted in Top Stories

Social Media Conspiracy Theories about Covid-19

A Complete List: From the Left, Right and In-Between Lean to the Left The Alt-right manufactured and spread Covid-19 so that Donald Trump could close the borders, interrupt primaries, and, ultimately, declare martial law to halt the November election indefinitely….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Social Media Conspiracy Theories about Covid-19
Posted in Entertainment Human Interest

Beast Mode Now Slated to Speak Virtually to Princeton Grads: List of Other Celeb Grad Speeches Online

When Princeton announced Marshawn Lynch of Beast Mode fame would speak to grads, other schools scrambled to attract headline-makers. Since, all education’s virtual at this point because of Covid-19 protocols, these speeches will be online to grads. This will give…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Beast Mode Now Slated to Speak Virtually to Princeton Grads: List of Other Celeb Grad Speeches Online
Posted in Entertainment Politics Strange People

Donald Rumsfeld Emerges from Underground Lair asking, “Am I no longer the most evil Donald?”

Suspected reptillian and confirmed demon Donald Rumsfeld, the gleeful architect of no fewer than all deaths in the Middle East (2001-2009) permitted the light of day to wash across his face in a rare instance of seeming mortality Wednesday. “Wait,”…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Rumsfeld Emerges from Underground Lair asking, “Am I no longer the most evil Donald?”
Posted in Entertainment Human Interest Music Opinion/Editorial Television Top Stories

Social Distancing? Hey, No Problem For We Misanthropes!

Stay six feet away? I do that anyway! Stay home and don’t have guests? Ditto! Don’t touch anyone? Bingo! Avoid people? You got it! I got this whole quarantine thing down and I don’t even have to change any of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Social Distancing? Hey, No Problem For We Misanthropes!
Posted in Politics

Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma

There are pros and cons to being one of the states that’s involved in Super Tuesday. The pros are largely the fact that you can have a major impact on who ends up running the country – or even stands…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!

In a time of trouble, the laughs just keep on coming! No matter what! Thanks for another amazing week at Glossy News Satire! Thanks for all the reads and shares… Both for the site and for our social media! Well,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!