Posted in Biz News Health

Hog Farmers Proudly Sell Parts Right to the Bitter, Musky Ends

Social media has blown up with images of an actual box of American made pork product, the “Boneless Pork Rectum, Inverted”. We take you inside this unusual treat. Boneless means without bone. Pork is the industry term for pig products….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hog Farmers Proudly Sell Parts Right to the Bitter, Musky Ends
Posted in Biz News Travel

Travelocity; Genius, Evil or Evil Genius? (We’ll find out Monday)

When I went to book my upcoming trip I found the best deal at, but at what price? The answer may surprise you. It sure as hell surprised me, and perhaps not in the good way. I booked a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Travelocity; Genius, Evil or Evil Genius? (We’ll find out Monday)
Posted in Human Interest

Golden Gate Bridge “Suicide Net System” to Attract Acrobats From Around the Globe

San Francisco – The city council has approved spending tens of millions of dollars to construct a system of safety nets under the Golden Gate Bridge in an attempt to thwart future suicide attempts which have plagued the landmark for…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Golden Gate Bridge “Suicide Net System” to Attract Acrobats From Around the Globe
Posted in Human Interest Society

“My Hard Drive Crashed” In as Most Used Excuse, “Dog Ate my Homework” Out

Rio Linda, CA – People have excuses for everything. For years, kids have notoriously used the well-known excuse, “My dog ate my homework”, when wanting to excuse why they didn’t do their homework.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “My Hard Drive Crashed” In as Most Used Excuse, “Dog Ate my Homework” Out
Posted in Crime World News

Brazilian Boy Steals Joke from Friend; Gets Publicly Hanged

A young Brazilian boy, accused of stealing a simple joke from his classmate and friend, was found hanged in front of his home, a pile of human shit piled against one another. The young boy’s mother was left crying her…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Brazilian Boy Steals Joke from Friend; Gets Publicly Hanged
Posted in Strange People

Cattle Rancher Cliven Bundy Actually a Front For Putin’s Seizure of American Territory

The word is out on Nevada renegade cattle rancher Cliven Bundy. Recent evidence has shown that the cantankerous old cow rebel who refused to pay the government for using BLM land for grazing is actually a front man for Russian…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cattle Rancher Cliven Bundy Actually a Front For Putin’s Seizure of American Territory
Posted in Strange People Television

Univision Goes Bankrupt After Soap Operas are Banned in the U.S

After Congress presented the U.S with a bill called “HIJO DE SU PUTA MADRE”, the corporation responsible for distributing the Hispanic culture’s entertainment programs on television, Univision, was declared bankrupt, leaving thousands in ruin and on the streets. One man,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Univision Goes Bankrupt After Soap Operas are Banned in the U.S
Posted in Society Strange People

Jimmy Cracks Corn, Gets 20 Years

(Hambone, Alabama)–Jimmy was sentenced to 20 years for cracking corn as if no one cared. According to witnesses, Jimmy was observed cracking corn and repeatedly asked to stop, but refused. “I saw Jimmy sitting over there on that bench cracking…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jimmy Cracks Corn, Gets 20 Years
Posted in Crime Internets Tubes

Girls Stab Friend in Honor of Slenderman; Glad it Wasn’t in the Back

Two girls were arrested by the Bureau of Academic and Constitutional Owners for Niggas force for allegedly stabbing a girl after trying to prove the existence of the Photoshopped myth “Slenderman”. When questioned by the judge, the two girls responded…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Girls Stab Friend in Honor of Slenderman; Glad it Wasn’t in the Back
Posted in Crime Religionism

Catholic Church Commemorates Scientology for Beating Their Scam Record

The bald-ass monkey pope from the Catholic Church in some schmancy European country commemorated the Church of Scientology this week for utterly destroying their record set since their foundation back when the bearded old man went up in the sky….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Catholic Church Commemorates Scientology for Beating Their Scam Record