Posted in Human Interest

Pittsburgh: 3 So. Oakland Buildings Improved In Atwood Street Fire

PITTSBURGH — The Pittsburgh Fire Department was called late last night to a three-alarm blaze on Atwood Street that, according to onlookers, “greatly improved at least three of the buildings.” While the South Oakland inferno itself enveloped a swath containing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pittsburgh: 3 So. Oakland Buildings Improved In Atwood Street Fire
Posted in Crime Gadgets & Gizmos

American secret agents exposed by phone app?

A stunning announcement was made at a secret hacker conference last month to little fanfare. An app was made available for the Android or IPhone platform that exposes the secret agents working for America’s top secret organizations. Called “Find my…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! American secret agents exposed by phone app?
Posted in Religionism Society

God: “Stephen Hawking does not exist”

DATELINE: HEAVEN – In response to Dr. Stephen Hawking’s confirmation of his atheism this week, the Christian deity and almighty creator Yahweh announced that the universe’s existence could be explained without the need for a Stephen Hawking. “Following peer-reviewed religious…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God: “Stephen Hawking does not exist”
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Religionism

Perry/Santorum Article: Non-apology, Disclaimer, Invitation

Santorum “living a lie all these years?” This quotation, straight from the consummately straight-talking lips of Santorum himself, has somehow angered a crapload of irritable and highly-strung socialists™ who (charitably calculated) have only half-read my article on Rick Perry receiving…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Perry/Santorum Article: Non-apology, Disclaimer, Invitation
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Religionism

Perry/Santorum: Top Papal Award, Christian Fakers Annihilated

Oh-so-conspicuously unashamed Christian, Rick Perry, is not actually painfully, embarrassingly, and conspicuously unashamed today; just plain-ol’-vanilla-grindin’ embarrassed. Pope Francis has accidentally made Perry a Papal Knight, instead of the similarly-monikered Rick Santorum. But far from being flattered, Perry is distinctly…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Perry/Santorum: Top Papal Award, Christian Fakers Annihilated
Posted in Biz News Crime

Tax Evasion As Public Policy: The AMT/Gordian Story

Skyrocketing health care costs are a major public policy issue. The Affordable Care Act has limited mechanisms to reign in these costs, but, really, we, the providers of health care products and services, must lead on this issue. We must…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Tax Evasion As Public Policy: The AMT/Gordian Story
Posted in Society Sports Sports Scandals

Ray Rice Condemns Couple for Wasting Produce

Baltimore, Maryland – “That’s not the foundation for a healthy relationship,” suspended NFL running back, Ray Rice, shouted to the media from his front doorstep, Friday morning, moments after seeing video footage of a couple in his own neighborhood discarding…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ray Rice Condemns Couple for Wasting Produce
Posted in Politics Religionism

A Psalm for the Tea Party

1) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want–to talk to liberals. 2) He maketh me lie down in untaxed green pastures: he leadeth me to the clear waters of pro-Gun states where I can shoot deer or thieves…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Psalm for the Tea Party
Posted in Entertainment Society

The Funniest Fortune Cookie Messages

Has anyone else noticed that there’s a day for everything? Women’s day (although we really should even it up and have Men’s Day), Book Day, Non-Smoking Day, Dress Like A Pirate Day etc. Well, the list is growing – September…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Funniest Fortune Cookie Messages
Posted in Health Religionism

Vatican Wafer Gate

Wikileaks has done it again. The release of 3.4 billion database searchable electronic records is reverberating around the Internet with many new stunning revelations. The latest to be revealed is a series of directives between the US and the Vatican….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Vatican Wafer Gate