Posted in Science & Technologizzy Society Travel

They’re Coming for Your Car Keys. Welcome to the World of Self-Driving Cars

One of my favorite jokes goes like this: “I got really drunk last night, so I decided to take the bus home. Now that may not sound impressive to you, but I’ve never driven a bus before.” Stop the Presses!…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! They’re Coming for Your Car Keys. Welcome to the World of Self-Driving Cars
Posted in Health Human Interest

Autism: Advantage with Women & Aphrodisiac? Autism Can Land You a Hot Girlfriend

Autism diagnoses started to soar in the 1990s and those new cases are now adults in their early twenties.  Society and the media have noted the need for employers to hire those on the spectrum.  This has lead to major…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Autism: Advantage with Women & Aphrodisiac? Autism Can Land You a Hot Girlfriend
Posted in Health Human Interest Society

Autism and the Single Life: Humorous Quotes to take the Sting out of Celibacy

Celibacy is a real problem for many autistic males. You don’t get to hear about it much because the powers that be only publicizes writings of successful autistics like Stephen Shore who can get married and Temple Grandin, a female…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Autism and the Single Life: Humorous Quotes to take the Sting out of Celibacy
Posted in Education Opinion/Editorial

Derailing & Fallacies Masterclass: Graduate from Yahoo Answers to Topix

Pol Pot’s Pleasure PWNK I can’t stand Pol Pot because he’s really nasty. I don’t think he is my leader. OMG!!! Yeah but isn’t his adversary Ho Chi Minh nasty too? Would you protest if Ho Chi Minh was in power instead?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Derailing & Fallacies Masterclass: Graduate from Yahoo Answers to Topix
Posted in Education Human Interest

Do We Know How to Spot the Dictator’s Pronoun? (Just No Idea, Have We)

The glorious Fuhrer has brought each one of US peace and stability… Comrade Lenin inspires US all to move forward to win our freedom, under the banner of proletarian scientific socialist Marxist-Leninist thought. But the evil Arab Muslim tyrant Assad is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Do We Know How to Spot the Dictator’s Pronoun? (Just No Idea, Have We)
Posted in Human Interest

What Will You Do?

Live your life as though everything you did Was eternally decisive. Live as though the survival and destruction of Daesh and of all Daeshis Depended upon you, and upon you alone.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What Will You Do?
Posted in Health Technology Video News

How Monsanto Really Makes GMOs

So much controversy about GMOs, but there shouldn’t be because they really are great, as this exclusive GlossyNews video will show you. GMO foods done do a hot topic. So where is it come from? Inside the laboratory To get…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How Monsanto Really Makes GMOs
Posted in Politics Society

The Vast ‘Neoliberal’ Conspiracy: Is the Current Debate Too Limited?

Is it it possible to confirm or deny being a #neoliberal, if the term is infinitely elastic? Was Stalin a #stateneoliberal, just like he was a #statecapitalist? Will the end of #capitalism be the end of #neoliberalism, or is the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Vast ‘Neoliberal’ Conspiracy: Is the Current Debate Too Limited?
Posted in Education

‘Dr’ David Duke Crashes & Burns: Israeli Literature Conference

Semantic grand wizard, uh sorry, semantic wizard and notorious antisemite David Duke is known primarily as a peddler of hate. Past comments on ‘Jew York City,’ ‘the unacceptably unaccountable Jew York Times Journalistic-Industrial-Complex,’ and ‘SSSSSSuspiciously-SSSSSScribed Jew Hampshire polling cards’ have…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ‘Dr’ David Duke Crashes & Burns: Israeli Literature Conference
Posted in Politics Religionism

Ode to the Wide Stance Republicans  (Your Love is Wide)

My stance is wide My love is deep True Christian men Don’t judge lost sheep! I was only on my winding way I pitched my tent in a valley gay I didn’t mean to cause dismay My enemies lied upon…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ode to the Wide Stance Republicans  (Your Love is Wide)