Category: Society
Cruise Ships Venture into New Technology
In the past, travelers have been forced to leave their technological devices at home due to the unavailability of technology in ships; but that has now changed.After realizing that new technology has now dominated most industries and cruise ships had…
OFFENSIVE POEM Only True Yorkshire Fawk Will WELL Understand! 😉
SPOILER: Just intercollegiate bantz from a rival graduate, dunt take it raet serious like! 😉 There once was some guys from Leeds BeckettOo ‘as want t be raet smart then sez ‘Feck it!’‘Em got raet cheap student beerAn’ made MEEEEEEMES all…
Alternative Valentine’s Day Odes from Trimjay (ED: NSFW!)
ED: Welcome, Trimjay! This is his first post. Not for the easily offended… I mean like, jussayin. I’m single this year… Roses are beautiful,Often they’re red.But you’re fat and uglyAnd I wish you were dead. Roses are redBut she’s got…
“Managing Student Loans Is Easy,” Says Man Who Faked His Own Death 20 Years Ago
GLACIER, WA— In an attempt to educate young hopefuls on how to one day relieve themselves of student loan debt, Earl Main spoke to a group of recent graduates who had made the journey to his woodland retreat. Through the…
Hey, how’s everyone doin’? Funny how this tima year, all the cockroaches suddenly come crawling outa the woodwork. No don’t worry, I just meant Katie! SPOILER: If a woman or a man is ‘bored with’ whoever they are with, avoid…
A Satire on a Free Bus Ride in Karachi
A Satire on a Bus Ride in Karachi A BUS RIDE: My funny experience! By Rafiq Ebrahim. Twitter handle #faisfaiz (Replace # with @). Just to get a taste of the good old days, I got an urge to…
Your Heart Needs an Overhaul But You Don’t Want Your Pockets Picked? Check This Out!
Do you need heart surgery but you blew your insurance premiums on liquor, loose women and lottery tickets? Save a whole lot of money and give a good hard kick to the establishment by putting your life in the hands of…
Trump & Biden Fans Provide Amazing Tinder Guide for Pros!
Unhinged randy Kool Aid bandits Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden have decided to bury their proverbial/Freudian hatchets, although probably not in each others backs at least! Here is their hysterically intelligent and flamboyantly hi-energy guide to Tinder seduction. No…
When TRUE Love Waits? Addicts Need Care, Not Reckless Eroticism
True love always desires the blessedness of the other, and does not carelessly harm oneself and the one one loves in order to somehow avert harm. Someone who lacks the patience to be a friend to someone they care about in their darkest hour will never have the commitment to show an even deeper love.
The Shadow Side of the Greatest of Canyons
The National Park Service celebrates the 100th anniversary of its existence this year with record numbers of people flocking to its lands to experience their majesty. The NPS has successfully set aside and safeguarded many of the natural features of…