Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Parker Bros Updates ‘Monopoly’ To Reflect Current Economics

Because of recent world economic changes, the Parker Brothers game company has announced that it is going to update its world famous game ‘Monopoly’ to better reflect the true financial times we live in. The following changes will be made…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Parker Bros Updates ‘Monopoly’ To Reflect Current Economics
Posted in Politics

GOPTea Claims Veep Mittstakes Keep 2012 Election Interesting

BOSTON, Mass. – EBBQ – The range of the GOPTea™ party’s unrolling Veep list rockets from the absurd to the impractical, borders the impossible and suddenly flips back to the absurd — it’s an endless loop. Will we get another…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GOPTea Claims Veep Mittstakes Keep 2012 Election Interesting
Posted in Health Human Interest

A Gastronomical Guide To Ghastly American Foods

There are many who come to our American shores think they are arriving at a Shangri-La where everyone dines off a silver spoon and delicious, filling, nutritious meals are only a refrigerator away from their satin bedecked table. Many possessing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Gastronomical Guide To Ghastly American Foods
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Politics

Sarah Palin Flirts with Rare “Fire in Belly” Bug

FOX NEWS, NEW YORK CITY — Former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, admitted to Greta van Susternen on her FoxNews show that she is suffering from the rare GOPTea political virus called “fire in belly”, or in beltway-speak: FIB.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sarah Palin Flirts with Rare “Fire in Belly” Bug
Posted in Serious Commentary

What if every Christian lived in a perfect Christian world?

To begin with, it would be nice initially because there would be no crime, no jealousy, hate, anger, poverty, starvation that you see all around the world… But then, each day would be just like the last — perfect. This…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What if every Christian lived in a perfect Christian world?
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Nation’s Satirists Stumped by “Don’t Say Gay” Bill

NEW YORK, NY—Comedians and “Fake News” Correspondents across the nation have been unable to produce any suitable material to satirize Tennessee’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill that advanced in the state’s Senate last month. “It’s like they created the bill just…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nation’s Satirists Stumped by “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Posted in Celebrity Gossip World News

Royal Fixation Escalates to Royal Obsession

23 million insomniac Americans watched the royal wedding of Prince William and commoner Kate Middleton. Seriously! Rousted out of bed at a ridiculous a.m. hour to witness the event, pale compared to, say, Donald Trump getting skewered by a Brahma…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Royal Fixation Escalates to Royal Obsession
Posted in War Zone World News

Usama bin Laden, a Touching Eulogy

VARIOUSLY AROUND D.C. — Trump is really pissed — he felt that only 8 years of ‘Mission Accomplished’ was not long enough to have any impact. He said, “America needs a real someone to hate. I thought I had…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Usama bin Laden, a Touching Eulogy
Posted in Politics

President Obama Offers up Authentic Treasure Map to Throw Off Birther Scent

The quest for definitive evidence that Barack Obama was born (or not born) in the United States is heating up once again. This time, it is millionaire Donald Trump (or billionaire if you’re asking Trump himself) who is leading the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! President Obama Offers up Authentic Treasure Map to Throw Off Birther Scent
Posted in Politics Strange People

Dick Cheney Voted ‘Worst President Of All Time”

Polling across the world has indicated that many people, especially in America, consider Dick Cheney to be “the worst President in history.’ Cheney, using someone named ‘Bush’ as a front man, controlled and manipulated U.S. political procedure to the point…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dick Cheney Voted ‘Worst President Of All Time”