Posted in Biz News Politics Society

GOP Disapproval at Record High, Dems Frantic to Figure Out New Losing Strategy

Congress holds record low approval ratings, but none more so than the Republicans, and none more among them than the Trump-aligned representatives. With an obvious distaste for these levels of corruption, Democrats are furiously scrambling to find new ways to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GOP Disapproval at Record High, Dems Frantic to Figure Out New Losing Strategy
Top Gear
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Entertainment

What’s Coming Next on Glossy News?

What’s your favourite 2018 Glossy News story so far? January highlights include: The UK government’s attempts to clamp down on ‘Fake News’ backfire. The Trump Presidency turns out be an elaborate hoax. A stirring speech from the ongoing ‘Honest Adolph’…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What’s Coming Next on Glossy News?
Posted in Politics Top Stories

UK Government Fake News Unit Revises Strategy

UK government plans to combat fake news have required re-evaluation in the face of challenges from all sectors of society.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UK Government Fake News Unit Revises Strategy
Posted in Politics

The Saturday Night Live Crew Have Pulled Off the Greatest Skit Of All Time

SNL has just topped anything they have ever done. They have pulled off the greatest live action skits in the history of comedy.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Saturday Night Live Crew Have Pulled Off the Greatest Skit Of All Time
Posted in World News

Most Infuriating Headlines of January 2018 Comin’ Atcha!

If you’re tired of fake news and fake real news as well, get a load of this stuff! Jeremy Corbyn: “Unregulated Corporations More Dangerous than ISIS” Zac Goldsmith: “Jeremy Corbyn More Dangerous than ISIS!”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Most Infuriating Headlines of January 2018 Comin’ Atcha!
Posted in Internets Tubes

It’s Official Now – The Internet Is Now More Annoying Than Television Ever Was.

The votes are in and… Yes! The Internet is now considered to be more irritating, obnoxious and intruding than television in its heyday ever was.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! It’s Official Now – The Internet Is Now More Annoying Than Television Ever Was.
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

The Ethics of Graphic & Offensive Writing

For those who are unaware, my novel Honest Adolph contains violence; sometimes of a graphic nature.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Ethics of Graphic & Offensive Writing
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Entertainment

Freedom of Speech, Offense and Satire (Interview 1: Dan Geddes)

The first interview is with Glossy News Stalwart and editor of The Satirist, Dan Geddes.  Question 1 (From Alexander Pope)

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Freedom of Speech, Offense and Satire (Interview 1: Dan Geddes)
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Sorry Folks! Journalists Don’t Have a Right to Be ‘Respected.’

The hypocritical pretence of “moral guardianship” on the part of the Far Center establishment media is disgusting. The current US and UK journalistic establishment reek of entitlement.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sorry Folks! Journalists Don’t Have a Right to Be ‘Respected.’
Posted in Sports Scandals Sportsfolk

Cutesy Football / Soccer Manager Roy Hodgson Stands Up for Kim Jong Un

Alex Ferguson and Kim Jong Un. One is a vicious dictator from the frozen wastes up North who is utterly brutal to friend and foe alike. The other… Oh wait sorry, it’s Roy today isn’t it?!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cutesy Football / Soccer Manager Roy Hodgson Stands Up for Kim Jong Un