Media journalists
Posted in Health Politics World News

Billionaire Purple Property Journos Can’t Wait to Tell You About their Foolproof Coronavirus Cunning Plan!

Well-heeled London glitterati media hacks Jon Snow and Nick Robinson just can’t wait to tell you about the latest earth-shattering Coronavirus intervention out there!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Billionaire Purple Property Journos Can’t Wait to Tell You About their Foolproof Coronavirus Cunning Plan!
Posted in Politics Religionism

PLAY IT BACKWARDS, DAMMIT! Fans Find HORRIFYING Satanic Messages in Paula White’s Prayers!

Part time heavily closeted Satanist and full time not so closeted Satanic loon Paula White-CAIN has recently addressed the Prosperity Gospel Annual Convention at Gilman Hot Springs, California. Offering up prayers to the self-appointed King of Kings and Lord of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! PLAY IT BACKWARDS, DAMMIT! Fans Find HORRIFYING Satanic Messages in Paula White’s Prayers!
Maoism Marxism
Posted in Music World News

Roll Over Chairman! Corona Virus Parody #2!

Yesterday’s Shitty Xi Parody, oh sorry, SHIFTY XI parody, went down like a bomb! … Er sorry, like a tinder-dry Tenga egg! Ah well, never mind! Here’s something a bit more juicy, salty, and… Some would say TOXIC. 🎶 Should’ve worn…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Roll Over Chairman! Corona Virus Parody #2!
Posted in Top Stories

AG Barr Tested By President on Shitter Laments- “1000 more Shits… and I’m f*cking through.”

“The President showed restraint immediately following the rare Shit from his AG, posting 79 additional Shit’s regarding open and active cases. He capped off his morning finger exercises with this Shit directed specifically at Barr.”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! AG Barr Tested By President on Shitter Laments- “1000 more Shits… and I’m f*cking through.”
Posted in Education World News

OFFENSIVE POEM Only True Yorkshire Fawk Will WELL Understand! 😉

SPOILER: Just intercollegiate bantz from a rival graduate, dunt take it raet serious like! 😉 There once was some guys from Leeds BeckettOo ‘as want t be raet smart then sez ‘Feck it!’‘Em got raet cheap student beerAn’ made MEEEEEEMES all…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! OFFENSIVE POEM Only True Yorkshire Fawk Will WELL Understand! 😉
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Explosive Internal Memos Detail Boeing’s Future Plans for the 737 MAX

“[B]ecause of the specific “side-effect” associated with the MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System), I suggest we transfer production of the MAX to the SMS (Space and Missile Systems) Division and weaponized the asset, should regulators decide not to re-certify.”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Explosive Internal Memos Detail Boeing’s Future Plans for the 737 MAX
Law courts
Posted in Politics

Impeachment Defense Lawyer Jokes

EDITOR: The picture above shows that justice is blind. Not entirely sure what that means. Any ideas??? Why won’t white sharks eat impeachment defense lawyers when they go swimming?A: They are the same skin color…B: They are both in the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Impeachment Defense Lawyer Jokes
Posted in Environment Politics Science & Technologizzy Technology Top Stories

National Weather Service Issues Rare Shitter Warning

Washington, DC- On Friday night, Louis W. Uccellini, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Assistant Administrator for Weather Services(NOAAA for WS), and Director of the National Weather Service (NWS) issued a rare warning on Shitter, predicting heavy Virtual Shit Storms for all social media platforms on Saturday.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! National Weather Service Issues Rare Shitter Warning
Posted in Religionism Society

1st Century Jesus, 21st Century America: Does the Following Story Sound Familiar?

In order to get perspective on the religious dilemmas of 21st America (and to some degree elsewhere), let’s rewind a couple of millennia to a period that in some ways, looks surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) familiar. In the first century, an…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 1st Century Jesus, 21st Century America: Does the Following Story Sound Familiar?
American Freedom
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Weekend LONG READ! Third & Final Part of Honest Adolph: Tyranny Hits America…?!

Have you checked out my books on Amazon Kindle yet? Well, there’s another one being released in a few days! As if the chapter by chapter novel serial of an America on the slide to tyranny wasn’t enough, I also…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Weekend LONG READ! Third & Final Part of Honest Adolph: Tyranny Hits America…?!