Posted in Biz News Celebrity Gossip

Donald Trump’s Diary Released

“Trump filed the suit against Palm Beach County last week, claiming his history of conflict with Palm Beach International Airport has led officials to spitefully redirect air traffic over his historic Mar-a-Lago estate in south Florida.” – USA Today –…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump’s Diary Released
Posted in Biz News Kidz Zone

Trump to Open Chain of Children’s Casinos

Free-market capitalist and cranial gopher rescue haven Donald Trump has announced this week that he’ll open a new line of casinos aimed squarely at the children’s market. Many see this as a provocative, or even illegal move, but since all…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump to Open Chain of Children’s Casinos
Posted in Making Headlines

Donald Trump Accepts Guest Of Honor Invitation To CPAC Surprise Celebrity Roast

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Accepts Guest Of Honor Invitation To CPAC Surprise Celebrity Roast
Posted in Politics

Liberals Demand Trump Produce Birth Certificate to Prove He’s Not a Space Alien

An independent group of concerned citizens is demanding that Donald Trump make his birth certificate public to prove that he is not really a space alien from another planet. Concerns from the United Citizens Group For Raising A Fuss has…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Liberals Demand Trump Produce Birth Certificate to Prove He’s Not a Space Alien
Posted in Politics

Trump to Host Romney Bacon-Wrapped Foie Gras Dinner Fundraiser

TRUMP TOWER, NYC —GlossyNews The final logistics for “Trump’s Huge Gourmet Dinner to Fund Gov. Romney” have been released. The Donald announced that “on landing at Kennedy the fortunate attendees – the chosen folk – will receive free post-flight ground…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump to Host Romney Bacon-Wrapped Foie Gras Dinner Fundraiser
Posted in Entertainment

Trump Killed By Mob; Resurrected By Satan

Enraged at Donald Trump’s failed political career, scores of angry investors screwed out of millions in campaign dollars converged on Trump’s limo outside a district court, pulled him from the vehicle and strangled him to death with his own comb-over.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Killed By Mob; Resurrected By Satan
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Politics

Trump Ends Presidential Bid Due to Medical Condition

Donald Trump announced today that he won’t be seeking the GOP nomination for President in 2012. While many speculated it was because he realized that he would have a hard time securing that nomination, even if he bought it, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Ends Presidential Bid Due to Medical Condition
Posted in Strange People

Trump; “Yuge Deal” Assassinating Osama All Praise to Bush

Humorless comb-over victim Donald Trump, an alleged billionaire by his own self-proclamation, and centerpiece of the NBC ratings basement “Celebrity Apprentice,” has upped his game yet again, going on the offensive against the countless ones of person who insulted him…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump; “Yuge Deal” Assassinating Osama All Praise to Bush
Posted in Celebrity Gossip

Donald Trump Dons Blackface to Prove He is Not Racist

Donald Trump decided to pull out all the stops to put to rest once and for all the ridiculous notion that he is a racist. Scheduled to speak before a group of business leaders at his alma mater, Wharton School…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Dons Blackface to Prove He is Not Racist
Posted in Making Headlines

Bin Laden Dead, Trump Demands Long Form Death Certificate

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bin Laden Dead, Trump Demands Long Form Death Certificate