Posted in Health

President Obama Promotes with Jackass-Style Stunt Reel

WASHINGTON, D.C.—“I’m Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, and this is Jackass.” So begins the president’s latest viral video—a 22-minute series of dangerous and immature stunts styled after the MTV show “Jackass.” The video is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! President Obama Promotes with Jackass-Style Stunt Reel
Posted in Society

Newborn Could Face up to 75 Years

According to sources, newborn Daniel Briggs could face up to 75 years. For the duration of his sentence, he is to live in an environment where people are known to be arbitrarily cruel, outrageously hypocritical and condemn others on the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Newborn Could Face up to 75 Years
Posted in Human Interest

Woman Sells Set of Dinosaur Cheese Puffs for $495 on eBay

Helen Crumples is almost $500 richer today after accepting the highest bid on eBay for her “dinosaur” cheese puff collection. The set of five Chester’s Puffcorn snacks, which look amazingly like miniature brontosauruses, were discovered by Helen while tidying up…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Woman Sells Set of Dinosaur Cheese Puffs for $495 on eBay
Posted in Society

Little Boy Disguises Self as Grown Man for Party

KNOXVILLE, TN—In an attempt to blend in, local barista Wes Dinkins assumed the identity of an adult human being for the duration of a recent social gathering. Stifling his enthusiasm about video games and how often he plays them, he…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Little Boy Disguises Self as Grown Man for Party
Posted in Health Internets Tubes

CNN Caught Scanning For Story Ideas

Once again, the mainstream media has swooped in to steal our precious exclusive. We reported it first, but CNN & reality had a different idea when they took the story from the realm of satire into public consciousness. These stories…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CNN Caught Scanning For Story Ideas
Posted in Human Interest

American Babies Now ‘Made in China’

Nowadays, Americans would be hard-pressed to find an item for sale that doesn’t have the ‘Made in China’ stamp on it. Go to any box store and chances are whatever you are buying was either manufactured, processed, assembled, or designed…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! American Babies Now ‘Made in China’
Posted in Crime Sports Scandals

Aaron Hernandez Murder Weapon Found

Gainesville, Florida – Following the surprise release of a photo showing former New England Patriots tight end, Aaron Hernandez holding a BS-47 assault rifle, local police released a statement Wednesday that they have located the weapon used to kill Odin…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Aaron Hernandez Murder Weapon Found
Posted in Politics Religionism

Arizona State Legisislature Votes To Change State Motto, Slogan

Giddy with the joy of Christ at successfully legalizing state sponsored endorsement of dark age phobias and insanities the Arizona State Legislature voted to to change the State slogan and motto along with other state designations and affiliations.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Arizona State Legisislature Votes To Change State Motto, Slogan
Posted in Health Opinion/Editorial

I Guess I Have an Irrational Fear of Tubes Going in my Urethra

Guest writer Doug Fedler Call me crazy, but I just don’t like the idea of having tubes inserted into my urethra. I guess everyone’s got their quirks. Maybe my thinking is a little cluttered since I’m about to have my…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! I Guess I Have an Irrational Fear of Tubes Going in my Urethra
Posted in Crime Talky Pictures

Pirates Found With Dead Navy Seals on Maersk Alabama

Seychelles police have confirmed three deceased Ethiopian pirates were found along with two retired Navy Seal security personnel discovered dead on the Maersk Alabama this last weekend. The three pirates carried Ethiopian passports and appeared to be dressed as Captian…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pirates Found With Dead Navy Seals on Maersk Alabama