I Guess I Have an Irrational Fear of Tubes Going in my Urethra

Guest writer Doug Fedler

Call me crazy, but I just don’t like the idea of having tubes inserted into my urethra. I guess everyone’s got their quirks.

Maybe my thinking is a little cluttered since I’m about to have my appendix taken out.

I did a little digging on the subject and found out that sometimes they use a catheter. It’s a tube that helps you pee.

I know it’s kooky, but I’m just not thrilled about the idea. Is that a crime?

Well then, consider me guilty.

Some people don’t like flying on airplanes.

Doesn’t bother me.

Some people can’t stand tight spaces.

Again, not a problem for me.

I guess having an aversion to the notion of a tube running into my bladder through my genitals is just my thing, you know?

I reckon life’s just funny that way.

Author: Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford is a comedy writer typing away from a bunker in an undisclosed location.

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