Posted in Politics Strange People

David Duke “Clarifies” Anti-Semitic Comments

Famously-allegedly-ish “non-racist™” White supremacist; oh sorry, how un-PC; I meant achingly conspicuous “racial realist™” David Duke has popped out (sorry, popped up) once again. Yes, His Most Exalted Ideological Hipsterness has recently expressed what he calls his “utmost sincere contrition…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! David Duke “Clarifies” Anti-Semitic Comments
Posted in Strange People World News

Kim Jong Takes Un Step Toward Hollywood

TO: My dear subjects FROM: Your Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un I want to apologize for not informing you of my whereabouts for almost six weeks this past fall and causing you undue heartache and concern but, of course, I cannot….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Kim Jong Takes Un Step Toward Hollywood
Posted in Crime

Local Police New Alpha Codes Fluster Criminals, Officers

Auburn police have found a new way to keep criminals from understanding their scanner chatter for ill, but unfortunately, not one of them has yet figured out how to use it for good. The new alpha call signs, dubbed Cool…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Local Police New Alpha Codes Fluster Criminals, Officers
Posted in Human Interest Kidz Zone

7 Best & Worst Halloween Tricks, Treats

With good ol’ Saint Hallow’s Eve fast approaching, it’s time to think about the trick and/or treaters who will soon be knocking on your door fresh-faced and pre-diabetic. You can make a ton of friends by handing out full-sized candy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 7 Best & Worst Halloween Tricks, Treats
Posted in Religionism

God Finds Message from All Humanity in Cucumber, Fanatics Outraged

It’s often asserted that messages from God can appear in mysterious places… You know, the Madonna popping up in cheese sandwiches, Lady Gaga helping us see the light, Bible/Quran/Dianetics texts being found in the veins of tomatoes… Although admittedly, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Finds Message from All Humanity in Cucumber, Fanatics Outraged
Posted in Biz News Health

Busy Tech Execs Boost Productivity, Put Children On Ice

When LaShonda Martinez’s boss first offered to freeze her three-year-old son, the programmer was aghast. “I was all like, you want to do what? But then, once they explained themselves, I was all like, yeah, maybe.” In light of recent…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Busy Tech Execs Boost Productivity, Put Children On Ice
Posted in Politics Religionism

Rep/Dem Hawks Approve “Moderate Islamist” Manifesto

Frustrated by what they perceive to be the dogmatism both of liberal or secular Muslims on the one hand, and hardcore political Islamists on the other, various factions of moderate political Islamism have released a joint solidarity statement. The statement…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rep/Dem Hawks Approve “Moderate Islamist” Manifesto
Posted in Religionism

“Patronising Liberal Pastor” Calls Jesus “Inspiring”

Last time, I reminded you how much a certain kind of patronising crap about “inspirational” underdogs and under-non-dogs is now big business. Well, now it’s even infected kinda-normal-and-sensible-within-reason religious circles™. That’s right; worshipers at a somewhat moderate/mainline Church™ in Colorado…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Patronising Liberal Pastor” Calls Jesus “Inspiring”
Posted in Crime Human Interest

Ruse of Young Border Crossers Successful for Drug Cartels

Suspicions have arisen lately that the recent spate of Latin children coming across the southern U.S. border were no spontaneous occurrence. Darker implications have revealed themselves. “The operation was a total success!” states Juan Cokefetcher, middle manager for the Headchoppers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ruse of Young Border Crossers Successful for Drug Cartels
Posted in Education Kidz Zone

Libraries- The Great Whores Of The Literary World

There used to be a sanctuary to which you could retire for that most blessed and peaceful of soul satisfying balms- silence. This sanctuary was known as a ‘library’ and throughout the world they could be considered a trustworthy and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Libraries- The Great Whores Of The Literary World