Posted in Kidz Zone Society

“Will you take $750 for that 2013 BMW?” – Helping my teenager buy her first car

Recently I helped our younger teenage daughter, Emmy, purchase her first car. She had no idea how much used cars cost. I think she was hoping to afford a slightly used Lexus gs 350. What she got instead was a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Will you take $750 for that 2013 BMW?” – Helping my teenager buy her first car
Posted in Crime Crooked Cops

Help your town. Become a criminal

If your city is like most others in this great country, it is no doubt struggling to pay its bills and balance its budget – unless your town is Beverly Hills, in which case you can stop reading now. No…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Help your town. Become a criminal
Posted in Human Interest Making Headlines Politics Religionism Society Top Stories

Same Sex Jail Romance Leads to Kentucky Clerk’s Change of Heart

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue gay marriage licenses and was taken into federal custody for contempt of court, has posted bond and been released after having a change of heart in jail. After experiencing what she called…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Same Sex Jail Romance Leads to Kentucky Clerk’s Change of Heart
Posted in Internets Tubes Society

The “joy” of buying a new computer

I recently bought a new laptop because my old one was having problems. From my purchase experience, I want to pass along the following helpful piece of advice: NEVER EVER BUY A NEW COMPUTER. Limp along with your Apple Lisa…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The “joy” of buying a new computer
Posted in Politics Strange People

Trumpenstein Horror Now Threatens Republicans

A Rathskeller deep in the forested woods. Night has drawn its blackest curtain across the outer world, blocking out even the niggardly light from the stars. Rain hammers against the windows and lightning cackles in the air. A troupe of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpenstein Horror Now Threatens Republicans
Posted in Serious Commentary Society

Fundamentalist Anti-Welfare: the “True Individualist” Position? (2/2)

Just to forestall any snap objections, I am not suggesting that “the government” or “the state” is the automatic go-to for all conflicts of interest.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fundamentalist Anti-Welfare: the “True Individualist” Position? (2/2)
Posted in Serious Commentary Society

Fundamentalist Anti-Welfare: the “True Individualist” Position? (1/2)

Maybe it’s time the individuals saved ourselves from the individualists. Or more precisely, from those who speak in the name of all individualists; as though there could only be one model of individualism; a vulgar-Randian one.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fundamentalist Anti-Welfare: the “True Individualist” Position? (1/2)
Posted in Crime Video News

Druggies Open Petting Zoo, Bites Quickly Follow (Video)

Argleton — Rocky & Spyder Krakauer were indicted last year for selling stolen cars, but they’re back with what can only be called the world’s worst petting zoo. Featuring such pet-able critters as raccoons, rats, alley cats, and even jelly…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Druggies Open Petting Zoo, Bites Quickly Follow (Video)
Posted in Human Interest Politics

Jeb Bush Blunder on Immigration and Reconciliation

Jeb Bush’s attempts to speak up louder than those who to some limited extent do have a voice (regarding immigration) have suffered a serious blow. At a recent dialogue conference about how to make the GOP more inclusive, an immigration…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jeb Bush Blunder on Immigration and Reconciliation
Posted in Politics Strange People

Hey Kids: Make Your Own ‘Trump for President’ Bumper Stickers

Hey Kids! Have Some Fun Cutting Out These ‘Trump For President’ Bumper Stickers!!! Here is what you need for a little summer fun! Just print off these patriotic bumper stickers, snitch a pair of scissors and some glue from your…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hey Kids: Make Your Own ‘Trump for President’ Bumper Stickers