Category: Society
Who are the Real Individualists in UK Politics?
The ‘economic individualism/economic collectivism’ dichotomy is so idiotic, I wish it could be binned, preferably along with those who propagate it. Welfare and the NHS, designed to relieve and alleviate the suffering of real people, rather than of meaningless abstractions,…
Stop the Tyranny of Facts. Check Your Privilege, & Stop Violating my Intuitions
As I just commented to some friends on Facebook about this HORRIBLE article… We have to do something about the plague of #altliterarycritique! We truly are in a post-Derridean age, where arbitrary social constructs just don’t matter any more, and…
Stop Darwinophobia Now: Dawkinsism is the Science of Peace
I’m sick of all these privileged bigots claiming that New Atheists are somehow ‘superior’ to the Moderate Political Islamist Community. I mean, remember when A C Grayling was advocating beheading everyone who insulted his wife, or when Richard Dawkins wanted…
Mosquitoes- The Mini-Mes Of Vampires
Mosquitoes are evil little geniuses. They are adept enough to fly up, whine in your ear, then take off laughing as you whip yourself in the head trying to swat them. They know how to hold a victim in suspense…
Pomo Priorities (The Ballad of How Occidental Civilization Was Won & Lost)
1. Don’t say REAL MEN DON’T RAPE! That’s essentialist! But men shouldn’t rape…? STFU! Essentialist!!!!! *** 2. OMG! Stop comparing the Brotherhood to ISIS! But they’re theocrats… OMG! #Hashtag, not all moderate political Islamists!
Psychiatrists Reach Opposite Conclusions About President Trump’s Mental Health
Dateline: NEW YORK CITY—On Monday, Feb 15, the New York Times published a letter signed by 37 psychiatrists who expressed severe doubts about President Trump’s mental health. Trump “appears to have had the fragile mind of a two-year old implanted…
Children’s Alphabet Book Author Struggles to Find Animal Starting with Elemeno
C is for cat and E is for elephant. Every young child in the English-speaking world knows these two basic facts, thanks to the rhymes and illustrations of children’s alphabet books. However, it turns out, according to author Alfred Labette,…
Banned “Male Health” Documentary from 1952 (Part 2)
We tracked down a banned 1950s virility documentary film, and we present it to you essentially un-edited. Sure, we cleaned it up a bit, made it look nicer, but it’s essentially as it was meant to be. Watch it…
Mass Atrocities? It’s Really Not About the Numbers
Recently someone said to me the Holocaust would have been ‘less bad’ if 9 thousand were murdered instead of 9 million.
I am Not Unity, and I am Not Division
The only thing to be afraid of is fear itself. Be good to the one person who needs your respect and gentleness more than any other person.