Posted in Technology

Shopping Conundrum: Sub-Featherweight Micro SD Card or 11+lbs of CF Cards?

The first time I bought memory was on the eve of my first trip to China in January of 2001. I’d never been to Asia and figured, “hey, Shanghai is a place I’ve heard of, so off I went. My…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Shopping Conundrum: Sub-Featherweight Micro SD Card or 11+lbs of CF Cards?
Posted in Technology World News

5th Grader Tells Friend Personal Secret, Now Wanted by NSA for Revealing Government Secrets

WASHINGTON — Federal authorities yesterday filed espionage charges against Area Fifth-grader Eddie Rainden for allegedly disclosing to an unnamed classmate that he still, on occasion, pees the bed, a secret over which the NSA is claiming ownership since, according to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 5th Grader Tells Friend Personal Secret, Now Wanted by NSA for Revealing Government Secrets
Posted in Biz News Science & Technologizzy

Business Lesson #74: Build team loyalty with self-guided mobile spy robots

If there’s one thing nearly every American can agree on it’s that having aerial surveillance cameras capable of eavesdropping on our every move from outer space is a wonderful thing. Oh, sure, sometimes surveillance cameras can be used for evil,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Business Lesson #74: Build team loyalty with self-guided mobile spy robots
Posted in Environment

Global Warming Producing Some Really Effing Awesome Weather

INDIANAPOLIS – Despite international concern over CO2 emissions and rising global temperatures, people from all across Indiana are discovering that global warming is, for better or worse, producing some really fucking awesome weather right now. Fears over increasing sea-levels, ferocious…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Global Warming Producing Some Really Effing Awesome Weather
Posted in Environment

God Apologizes to Florida: Storm Debby Actually Intended for New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS, LA – As Storm Debby battered the state of Florida Monday, His Lordship Almighty God apologized profusely to the Sunshine State, after admitting that the tropical storm – which has caused widespread flooding in Tampa, Tallahassee and Jacksonville…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Apologizes to Florida: Storm Debby Actually Intended for New Orleans
Posted in Internets Tubes Technology

Windows 8.1 Invites 100k Testers, Discards All Data

Microsoft has undertaken the biggest Operating System test in history by inviting 100,000 users to labs around the world to test their new platfrom. More than 5 million pages of data was collected, all of which were discarded. “It wasn’t…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Windows 8.1 Invites 100k Testers, Discards All Data
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos

Apple’s iOS 7 to Feature Impressive, Radically Redesigned Glitches

CUPERTINO, CALIF — Apple recently unveiled the new iOS 7 operating system, which CEO Tim Cook is hailing as “the most radical redesign of iOS glitches since the iPhone was invented.” According to Apple’s VP of Software Engineering, Leonard Umbrage,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Apple’s iOS 7 to Feature Impressive, Radically Redesigned Glitches
Posted in Comics Environment

What Penguins Look Like on Casual Friday (comic)

I Googled this before I drew it, and sure enough, there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot out there showing what penguins might look like out of their tuxedos. Turns out, at least according to my comic, that it’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What Penguins Look Like on Casual Friday (comic)
Posted in Environment

It’ll Take More Than A Lousy Thunderstorm to Stop Man Making Stupid Decision to Go Walking During A Thunderstorm

INDIANAPOLIS – Not content to just sit at home, local man Brian Caskey insists it’ll take more than this lousy-ass thunderstorm to prevent him from making the stupid and highly irresponsible decision to go walking during a thunderstorm. Heading out…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! It’ll Take More Than A Lousy Thunderstorm to Stop Man Making Stupid Decision to Go Walking During A Thunderstorm
Posted in Health Science

Portland: Fluoride is the Least of Your Worries

In Portland, Oregon today, many citizens are worried about fluoride and its potential effects such that they have voted against its inclusion in their water supply four times in the last six decades. However, what Portlanders seem to be unaware…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Portland: Fluoride is the Least of Your Worries