Posted in Top Stories World News

After Demise of Islamic State, Merkel to Invoke Harsh Laws Against Critics of the ISIS Caliph

After prosecuting millions of ‘innocent’ Germans for insulting Donald Trump, strong leader and critic of lying news media distortions Angela Merkel has decided to punish ‘disrespectful’ critics of the ISIS Caliph.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! After Demise of Islamic State, Merkel to Invoke Harsh Laws Against Critics of the ISIS Caliph
Posted in Making Headlines Society

Woman sues Women Studies Feminists for preventing her from Sleeping her way to the Top

Dateline: NY CITY—Miss Marylou Ditsy is suing Women Studies departments in colleges across the United States, for creating an atmosphere of political correctness that she alleges has prevented her from sleeping her way to the top.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Woman sues Women Studies Feminists for preventing her from Sleeping her way to the Top
Posted in World News

God Warns the Donald He’s Not Getting Any Private Revelations

Like The Blues Brothers, George W Bush famously went to Iraq on a ‘mission from God.’ Same, of course for Tony Blair! But now Tough-Guy Tangerine Surprise Donald J Trump is being friendzoned by God.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Warns the Donald He’s Not Getting Any Private Revelations
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Fake News or Funny News? The Weirdest Headlines of the Weekend! (1/2)

You can always trust Glossy News to be the funniest peddlers of mirth of all, in the entire DISHONEST FAKE NEWS MEDIA As a certain person calls it!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fake News or Funny News? The Weirdest Headlines of the Weekend! (1/2)
Posted in Kidz Zone Video News

Bobby Joe’s Funny Christmas Song: “Christmas My Kiddos”

NOTE FROM WALLACE: I’m posting this on behalf of Glossy News supremo Brian K. White! Fans of the Pogues will love this affectionate (not entirely so!) song from his satirical alter ego, Bobby Joe.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bobby Joe’s Funny Christmas Song: “Christmas My Kiddos”
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Republications Tomorrow from Another Great Satire Outlet: & Should You Cut or Grow the Pie?

I’ve written for many satire outlets in the past. One of the first ones I ever wrote for, apart from Glossy News (remember to like our Facebook page!) is The Spoof. This is one of the more prolific satire sites…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Republications Tomorrow from Another Great Satire Outlet: & Should You Cut or Grow the Pie?
Posted in Society

Sexual Battle Lines drawn between Toxically Masculine Trolls & Devious Lesbian Feminists, Argues Social Scientist

Dateline: WHYNOT, NC—Hermann Gunzenhauser, a social scientist at True Dat University, has published a paper extrapolating the long-term effects of the proliferating allegations of sexual harassment and molestation in the entertainment industry and in government, business, and all other social…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sexual Battle Lines drawn between Toxically Masculine Trolls & Devious Lesbian Feminists, Argues Social Scientist
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Technology

How Did I Get our Facebook Page to Take Off? Advice for Bloggers…

It’s very important for satire sites to get a page on Facebook. So it’s not surprising that Glossy News has our own Facebook page. (Don’t forget to like it, after you’ve shared this article!) But for quite a while, our…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How Did I Get our Facebook Page to Take Off? Advice for Bloggers…
Posted in Politics

News Channel Treats Politics as Theater

Dateline: NY CITY—Under the auspices of Europe’s Postmodern Media Group, American entrepreneur Roy Havalaff is launching a cable political news channel that will assume no politician is capable of honesty.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! News Channel Treats Politics as Theater
Posted in Biz News World News

Brussels Holy Alliance Slams Controversial New Development Bank

Many prime ministers and presidents from prominent nations have denounced China’s new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. However, as this article will show you, the accusations certain national leaders have been making are very revealing.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Brussels Holy Alliance Slams Controversial New Development Bank