Posted in Politics

Trump Comes Up With His Own Version Of The Pledge Of Allegiance

Commandant Trump, expanding his power over we serf’s everyday life in keeping with his expanding ego, has taken it upon himself to rewrite the Pledge of Allegiance, a cornerstone of American heritage. His version, ghost written by Kellyanne Conway with…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Comes Up With His Own Version Of The Pledge Of Allegiance
Posted in Biz News Politics

Trump Typos Due to Staff Killing Spell Check: “He Can’t Handle the Criticism!”

White House insiders have suggested that Trump’s many embarrassing typos are not the result of his stupidity or lack of access to technology, but because Maggie Jaakobson, an intern in her third week, was instructed to turn off the spell…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Typos Due to Staff Killing Spell Check: “He Can’t Handle the Criticism!”
Posted in Politics

CNN Replaces Serious Commentary on Trump’s Presidency, with Constant Laughter

Dateline: ATLANTA—CNN has dramatically altered its strategy in covering the Donald Trump White House, having first milked Mr. Trump’s scandals for ratings in the 2016 campaign and then attempted to provide serious, fact-based analysis of the first two years of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CNN Replaces Serious Commentary on Trump’s Presidency, with Constant Laughter
Posted in Talky Pictures

A Star is Fallen? FBI Investigate Robert De Niro for Donald Trump Death Threats

Renowned actor Robert De Niro is known not only for his role in the Godfather movies, but also his vociferous criticism of Donald Trump. However, things seem to have taken a sour turn, as the FBI investigate him for allegedly…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Star is Fallen? FBI Investigate Robert De Niro for Donald Trump Death Threats
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Open Letter to President Trump, From the Entertainment Industry

With all due respect to the outcome of the 2016 presidential campaign, to those who voted for Donald Trump, and to the policies and performance of the Trump administration…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Open Letter to President Trump, From the Entertainment Industry
donald trump
Posted in Politics

Trump’s Most Harebrained Policy Suggestions Yet!

Straight outa Twitter! 1. Criminalize hate speech against corporations. Corporations are people too, and they have feelings!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Most Harebrained Policy Suggestions Yet!
Posted in Politics

10 Reasons Trump is the Greatest President Ever: You Heard it Here First!


WTF?! Click now to find out more! 10 Reasons Trump is the Greatest President Ever: You Heard it Here First!
Posted in Politics Sports Events

‘I Was A Professional Racing Driver in my Youth!’ Claims Donald Trump

There are concerns for Donald Trump’s mental stability in the wake of his most recent interview with Sky News. The US president told the interviewer:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ‘I Was A Professional Racing Driver in my Youth!’ Claims Donald Trump
Posted in Biz News Sports Sportsfolk Top Stories

Trump’s War with American Sports Shows no Sign of Abating

Do sport and politics mix? As far as the NFL and the NBA are concerned, the question is a moot point, as their ongoing acrimonious relationship between the most high-profile American sports and President Trump continues to simmer.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s War with American Sports Shows no Sign of Abating
Posted in Politics

President Trump’s Audacity Awarded Democrats Political Immunity for Two Centuries, said Political Pseudoscientist

Dateline: LICK SKILLET, TN—Democrats should be grateful for Donald Trump’s presidency, because his smorgasbord of scandals and villainies could theoretically enable them to get away with murder for centuries to come, according to Professor Marco Snodgrass, political pseudoscientist as the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! President Trump’s Audacity Awarded Democrats Political Immunity for Two Centuries, said Political Pseudoscientist