Category: Society
Serial Peeping Tom “Dirty” Joe Palestine Thanks Supporters
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ – In an interview with Glossy News, Middlesex Adult Corrections Facility inmate “Dirty” Joe Palestine proclaimed his innocence and announced his heartfelt appreciation for the millions of people around the world who agree that Palestine deserves his…
Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 2/69: Jizz be Upon Me)
Tribute Encore une fois: this one’s for Charlie Hebdo. Nous sommes tous Charlie. Ok, last time you heard from the people men of wisdom; to wit, the only people who really understand enlightened fucking erudite fiqh rulings from the inside…
Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 1/69: Jizz Be Upon Him)
Tribute This one’s for Charlie Hebdo. Nous sommes tous Charlie. OK, we all know about the obviously malicious and unproven allegations of gratuitously gratifyingly enlightened fatwas on “I’m-a-sexin’ that damn fine chicken” that have been directed at Imam Love Doctor…
Woman Who Regularly Chastises People for Offensive Jokes Now ‘Stands with Charlie Hebdo’
Accompanied by her usual catch phrase, “this is NOT ok,” 25-year-old Katherine James posted an article on Facebook Wednesday night about how the tragic events regarding the French satire publication Charlie Hebdo “is a sad day for the freedom of…
Extremist Group Exercises its Freedom of Religion on NAACP Building
A Montana neo-Nazi extremist organization, The Color White, Inc., claimed responsibility earlier today for the recent bombing of a building in Colorado Springs, owned by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The building, including the part…
2014 – The Year in Review: Part I (January – June)
As has been the proud tradition of this Pulitzer-Prize-denied publication since 1952 – except for 2012 (when the Mayan Calendar predicted the world would end, so I figured, what was the point) – it’s time for Glossy News’ Annual Year…
Je Suis Charlie – Where Murder And Humor Have Met
As you know, yesterday three gunmen entered the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical magazine, and killed twelve people. The magazine was known for its biting satire and has several times depicted Mohamed in a mocking fashion. It is…
The Not So Funny Side Of Satire
This morning many of us awoke to hear the news of the tragedy that occurred to a satirical news organization in France. It will take a while for the true horror of this event to register with many of us…
N.Y. Police Turning Backs On de Blasio Illustrate Exactly Where The City’s Problems Lie
The New York Police twice turning their backs on Mayor de Blasio during his speeches at the funerals of two slain officers gives a strong indication of exactly where their whole racial problem started. The police showing disrespect for the…
ISIS Is Looking For A Few Screwed-Up Men………And Women
A Note From The Editor- Due to current difficult economic situations and due to pressure from First Amendment Rights groups Glossy News must unfortunately include ads in our article runs. These ads do not necessarily reflect the opinions and thoughts…