Category: Society
Justifiable Justice – Making the Punishment Ergonomic with the Crime
Punishments for crime have become rote in our modern society. A person can murder any number of people and still be allowed to live his life out even though he is less that worthless to the society which allows him…
KKK Tell us What Real Rap is All About
Previous version published on The Spoof, entitled: “KKK: Underground Rap A-OK, but ONLY Underground Rap.” Well hey, some classics just bear repeating. You can’t seriously tell me my remixes are inferior to those of, say, Axwell and all those dudes….
A Message From The Upper 1% To You Remaining 99% Lesserlings
Greetings, We, the 1% of this nation and others in this world that truly control what goes on inside our societies have taken the time to write to you little people who make up the other 99% of the citizenry….
Chamberlain’s Army (Parody of “Oliver’s Army”)
Disclaimer: I have tried to write an alternative to Elvis Costello’s “Oliver’s Army,” under parody and fair use, as a tribute to Costello’s song. As someone from Northern Ireland, my reading of the original song is that in in times…
You Heard it Here First: Clinton Finally Admits Lying
In a gently-conducted interview (surprisingly gentle!) on his home turf of MSNBC, Bill Clinton has actually admitted telling a lie. Huh? Ya what? Yes, this is pretty much unprecedented in American history. See the following astonishing words from Clinton: I…
Greek Son Attempts to Break Family’s Curse
Las Vegas, NV—Christopher Nicholas Kratsas is not your typical Greek American. He comes from a long line of family members that desperately tried to embrace America by reversing Greek stereotypes. Unfortunately for the Kratsas family, this task was made more…
NAACP officially changes name
Baltimore, MD. — In an unexpected, yet timely move, the group formerly known as the NAACP have changed their name to the National Association for the Advancement of African-Americans or NAAAA. The first meeting of the new group, held yesterday,…
GOP/Dems: Post-Orwellian Dictionary of Humanitarian Imperialism (2/2)
Here we go again… and again… and AGAIN™… NaHum-ism National Humanitarianism, or NaHum-ism, is what happens when the petty, cruel, vicious, tearful, artificial boundaries that wantonly and cruelly constrain the human spirit are broken down and annihilated with an iron…
GOP/Dems: Post-Orwellian Dictionary of Humanitarian Imperialism (1/2)
Over here in Euroweenie land, they say about the Hitler-Stalin pact: “Les extrêmes se touchent.” …Or in Universal Anglo-Esperanto, to wit, the King James of Jesus, Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry and other notable figures (-ish): “Opposites meet.” So it’s only…
Homo Sapien Pictographs Prove Homosexuality Is Natural
Paleontologists working in Southern France have discovered pictographs they estimate were placed around 10,000 B.C. The primitive drawings depict what appears to be two Neanderthal males copulating. Lead scientist Dr. Lance Hollingsworth said, “I usually don’t get involved in politics,…