Posted in Strange People Travel

Exclusive Interview w/ John Hance, Incredible Teller of Big Whoppers at The Grand Canyon

You’ve heard the tales of Paul Bunyan. You know the exploits of Pecos Bill. Maybe you’ve heard of the German Baron Munchhausen. But have you ever heard the legend of John Hance? You will now: Glossy News has succeeded in…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Exclusive Interview w/ John Hance, Incredible Teller of Big Whoppers at The Grand Canyon
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Education

Great Flâneur Massacre: Fictional Endorsements, Endorsements of Fiction (2/2)

Shhh. Don’t laugh. Not like the last time! This is pretty damn serious stuff. 1. Rob, Surname-Lacking and Achingly Committed Painfully Irritating Tenure-Cadger “Relevant?” That’s a word people in power always use to dismiss me. Endorsement from “Dr” Kent Hovind Woo!…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Great Flâneur Massacre: Fictional Endorsements, Endorsements of Fiction (2/2)
Posted in Human Interest Serious Commentary

Racist Murders at Charleston: All in This Together? (2/2)

Last time, I acknowledged that all forms of prejudice are complex, and cannot be seen as corresponding one-to-one with each other. However, while making these qualifications, I also took the risk of drawing an analogy between racism and sexism. And…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Racist Murders at Charleston: All in This Together? (2/2)
Posted in Human Interest Serious Commentary

Racist Murders at Charleston: All in This Together? (1/2)

One look at the US media, including the comments sections, will show you that something disturbing is happening. Something which has also been happening in many other countries for a long, long time. I speak of an abstract “humanity-centred” moralism that only…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Racist Murders at Charleston: All in This Together? (1/2)
Posted in Politics Religionism

Governor Haley Proposes Replacing Confederate Flag with Dukes of Hazzard Flag

Republican Governor Nikki Haley called for the removal of the Confederate flag in the capital of South Carolina Monday, after pressure from many who called the flag racist and divisive. The pressure was mounting, after a white supremacist opened fire…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Governor Haley Proposes Replacing Confederate Flag with Dukes of Hazzard Flag
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Society

America is the greatest nation on earth – In your FACE, Denmark

On July 4th, we will once again celebrate our independence from the tyranny of England. Those British monarchs can be so oppressive. If it were up to Queen Elizabeth, we’d all be forced to drink Earl Grey tea with every…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! America is the greatest nation on earth – In your FACE, Denmark
Posted in Human Interest Politics

Alex Salmond: “PC Bigots Don’t Understand this here Culture of Mine”

Widely respected political hipster and relentlessly-resentless SNP politician Alex Salmond has recently performed a valiant act of radical political performance theatre, with his “behave yourself, woman!”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Alex Salmond: “PC Bigots Don’t Understand this here Culture of Mine”
Posted in Making Headlines Religionism

Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy

Phew! I’m worn out. Or maybe just in a vaguely soporific state. It was all fun and amusing to start with, but I think the novelty’s worn off. Gets a bit samey after a while. Still, I always like to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy
Posted in Making Headlines Religionism

Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy

OK, the sky hasn’t fallen in…. Yet. Just gotta keep going, I suppose. Cosmic E-Cheek Ass Slicer OK, this one is a little bit nastier, if also somewhat more fun… And it’s only for the more experienced, intrepidly kinky fetish…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy
Posted in Making Headlines Religionism

Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy (1/3)

Oof! Sorry for the mildly sensationalist headline. I never quite got over not getting to be a top reporter for the Galactical Enquirer. Still, somewhat more crucially, I must inform you of the existential spiritual peril facing you and your…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Scientology Sex Toys Taking Over Our Godly Galaxy (1/3)