Category: Society
Mongolian Jokes
When I was young, there was a large statue of Lenin in Ulaanbaatar. In 2012, the Mongolian government removed the statue, denouncing Lenin as a ‘murderer’. In that same year, I heard this joke: A Muscovite watches a communist demonstration…
October Surprise from Autism Speaks: They No Longer Want a Cure? (2/2)
Last time: After the Los Angeles Times published an op-ed piece by Steve Silberman that included the analogy between autism speaks and the NAACP that I wrote about above, Liz Feld, Autism Speaks CEO, responded urging the autism community to…
October Surprise from Autism Speaks: They No Longer Want a Cure? (1/2)
WALLACE’S NOTE: Although the following story is about the ‘October Surprise’ from Autism Speaks, the decision in question may have some long term implications. Autism speaks has published a new mission statement: Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across…
History – As Told by Forgotten Newspaper Headlines
The recent presidential election has resulted in some pretty shocking newspaper headlines – like when Scotland’s The Daily Record ran a cover story showing a photo of Donald Trump at his swank new Scottish golf course on a windy day,…
Breaking News: Woman Claims Trump Didn’t Grope Her
A woman from Broken Springs, Michigan has come forward to insist that Donald Trump has not groped her, despite many opportunities to do so. Allison McGregor, a 47-year-old housekeeper who used to work at Trump’s Mar-o Lago hotel/resort in Florida,…
Republicans Praised for Reducing Stigma for Psychopaths
Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.–The National Institute of Mental Health congratulated the Republican Party for helping to accustom Americans to those with mental illness, by elevating obvious psychopaths to positions of high office. Doctor Fernando Lamas, chairman of the Institute, said at…
Has Autism Given me the Gift of Prophecy?
Some persons on the autism spectrum have extraordinary talents and abilities. These are known as savant skills.
What is Done & What Isn’t Done: All’s Painful in Love & Politics
In life, I don’t regret what I have actually done, half as much as I’ve regretted what I didn’t do when I had the chance, or what I did do, but did in a way that was omitting to do…
Pokemon-Go Craze Puts U.S. Elections in Doubt
NEW YORK – The incredibly addictive Pokemon-Go app, which has sent countless millions of people out into the world to stare at their cell phones more than ever, has now put the U.S. Presidential elections in doubt. Current CNN polls…
Man Discovers Awful Truth, Shames Mass Media
WASHINGTON, D.C. 2017—Gerald Humphrey’s profound discovery began when he realized the American mainstream media’s treatment of Donald Trump’s Republican campaign for the presidency contrasted sharply with reality. “CNN, the Associated Press, the New York Times, and all the other major…