Category: Society
The Month’s Most Controversial Religion & Atheism Headlines (II)
Intersectional-Post-Meta-Pan-Igtheism: The Latest Trend for Intellectual Hipsters Myanmar Junta: ‘Those who Criticize our Faith are #Buddhismophobes! #NotAllBuddhists’
UK Public Increasingly Reluctant To Express Ill-informed Opinions
An increasing number of people in the UK are declining to express definite opinions when asked about complex issues of which they know little. TV journalists first began to detect this phenomenon in early 2017 when undertaking random street interviews.
Brexit Exposes Large Scale Corruption By EU Farmers
The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has revealed that it is investigating nearly five hundred UK farms. All the investigations relate to the illegal claiming of EU farm subsidies.
The Month’s Most Controversial Religion & Atheism Headlines (I)
Bombshell Study: Metropolitan Elite Appalled to Discover Anti-Secularist Intellectuals Hate Living in Theocracies Stop Laughing: Academics Finally Work Out Pascal’s Wager Applies to Scientology too!
El Gaucho Tacoma… don’t bother, they don’t want you
If you want a steak for $75 there’s no shortage of places you can go. Pacific Grill is across the street and grills them up nicely, and Anthony’s is down a few blocks by the water. At least at those…
Manjaws: A Rant by Rashad the Cackler
Dateline: NEW YORK CITY—The runner’s-up in this year’s American Rant Competition have been announced. Surprisingly, all of the entries were authored by a single man, named Rashad, also known as the Cackler, who is an elderly homeless man. Rashad has…
GN Video: Did Stuff Used to Be Cheaper?
Did it, really???
Archbishop of Canterbury No-Platformed for ‘Nazi Speech’
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Canon Justin Welby, has been no-platformed by the National Union of Students for a ‘Nazi Speech’ said to be reminiscent of fascist rants from the official State Church in Hitler’s Germany.
Evil Industries Imitates Scientology at Trial over Fraud
Dateline: NEW YORK CITY—
Autism of the Playpen? The Juvenile Mediocrity of ‘Autistic Nihilism’
Autistic Entitlement & Victimhood are Part of a Broader Occidental Zeitgeist Some time ago, I made some comments about the problem of how some people de-emphasize the importance of autistic people cultivating ourselves.