Category: Society
The Resurgence of Witchdoctors in the U.S. Healthcare System
If you are a donkey, i.e. an ass, then you likely wish the United States would just get on with the universal healthcare. If you are an elephant, which is Latin for the hole of an ass, then you probably…
Okra Flow Yoga™ Brings Enlightened Movement to the Deep South – & Beyond!
NOTE FROM WALLACE: WELCOME DEBORAH! I spread my sticky mat on the faux-hardwood floor of Greenville Baptist Church’s community room, taking in the energy of the place. Aromas from last night’s potluck linger: cabbage, meatloaf, onions. There’s a low buzz…
Problem Gambling Campaign Creator Takes Issue with Warwick Findings
A recent study by Warwick University, which claims that the When the Fun stops, Stop campaign was not doing what it was intended to do, but was instead achieving the exact opposite of the desired results has seen some push…
All Fall Down: the Redneck Wanderer’s Song of Raw Feet
Now as Ah climb up the mound on the pillar of dreams Ah can see many things they just ain’t as they seem! We got a strong leader with an army behind The people are in misery yet he’s like…
HORSESHOE THEORY?! Richard Spencer Endorses Batshit Neurodiversity Movement!!!
Overrated crypto-SJW and heavily closeted racial ‘Marxist’ Richard Spencer has recently come out fighting against those who dare to oppose the ‘heavily stigmatized’ faux-edgy bullshit ‘social movement’ du jour… White rights? Nah, more like Autistic SJW rights! In a recent…
Kids On Leashes?
Sitting down at the park looking at a kid strangely on a leash held by his Mum, I’m enjoying a sunny day after working at a music festival. Nothing cool, like I’m a guy in a band smashing groupies who…
WELL, DUH! BBC Poll: 100% of UK Citizens Consider VIP Paedo Rings a Myth…
In the UK, former paediatric nurse Carl Beech has been accused of falsely concocting claims of VIP paedophile rings. This raises some troubling questions (and unwelcome memories) for a lot of people in the UK and worldwide; especially in light…
Millennial Children Demand Parents Pay for Relocation As Tensions In the Gulf Grow
Salem, OR- As tensions between the United States and Iran continue to flare after the latest attack on an American drone, more and more millennial children are demanding that Mom and Dad pay to send them away before war is…
“WHY DO THE OTHER BOYS GET AWAY WITH IT?!” Kim Jong Un Defends Notorious Gulag System!
Ardent sometimes-Trumper Kim Jong Un has come out fighting against dishonest ‘fake news’ media criticisms of his mass labour camp system. It’s just so unfair! How came it’s all just find and dandy that Americans been allowed to mass-arrest millions…
Selfie Tsunami Sickeningly Scuttles Sweet Sixteen
Florida teenager Brittney Calgrington booked the best party ever with all the most popular kids going, but despite getting the best caterer money could buy, the best DJ Craig’s List could book on short notice, and enough balloons to choke…