Posted in Science

Telescope Spots Human Remains on Moon’s Surface

Houston, TX – ( NASA Scientists released information, along with a Top Secret report, which addresses the recent Hubble telescope discovery of human remains spotted on the surface of the Earth’s moon. The desiccated figure, reportedly dressed in what appears…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Telescope Spots Human Remains on Moon’s Surface
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos Technology

Greece Patents The Wheel

After Apple successfully suing Samsung for sharing the patented rectangle shape, the country of Greece has sought to ease their ongoing financial crisis by patenting the wheel. The country could only manage to gain a patent over the everyday object…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Greece Patents The Wheel
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos

iPhone 5 Replaces All of Your Personal Relationships

SAN FRANCISCO- In a groundbreaking statement issued to press, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the new iPhone will “replace all of your loved ones and cherished relationships.” The phone and features were announced earlier this week, already prompting some…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! iPhone 5 Replaces All of Your Personal Relationships
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos Technology

The iPhone 6

Consumer research has found that people are already anticipating the arrival of the iPhone 6. It would seem that customers cannot wait to buy the iPhone 6 and have been putting off their upgrade to the iPhone 5, which was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The iPhone 6
Posted in Environment

Israel Protects Palestinian Land from Use

Uri Gnorant of the Israeli Bureau of Land Redemption was eager to see me. “I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “You reporters talk about how little we do for Palestinians. This is a chance to set the record straight. When…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Israel Protects Palestinian Land from Use
Posted in Environment Opinion/Editorial

Global Warming is a Scientific Fact… Like We Care

It is now an established scientific fact that global warming is taking place around the world. You can see it everywhere. Glacier National Park is melting. Huge slabs of ice in the Polar Regions are dropping into the sea like…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Global Warming is a Scientific Fact… Like We Care
Posted in Internets Tubes Science & Technologizzy

New Course Offerings for the Idiot Generation

HIS1995 – Life Before the Internet This history course covers the dark period of mankind’s existence during the late 20th century, prior to the development of the World Wide Web. Students will learn about the primitive techniques utilized by early…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! New Course Offerings for the Idiot Generation
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos

Apple Announces New Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn

Cupertino, CA – Apple Inc. today announced the next generation of their rainbow-crapping unicorn, the “Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn 5.” The name surprised the entire unicorn-blogging world after wide speculation that the latest Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn would be called the Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn 6…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Apple Announces New Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn
Posted in Environment

The War Against the Environment Has Yet to be Won

“We have to destroy the environment as quickly as we can.” These are the findings of the Movement for Environmental Sabotage and Subversion (MESS). The position of MESS is that the attempt to preserve and protect the environment and to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The War Against the Environment Has Yet to be Won
Posted in Science

NASA Discovers They Left an Astronaut Behind on the Moon After Historic First Landing

Ironically coincidental with the demise of the man who first walked on the moon, NASA has discovered that it had forgotten an astronaut on the moon. In fact, it appears that he was left at the time of Apollo 11’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! NASA Discovers They Left an Astronaut Behind on the Moon After Historic First Landing