Posted in Human Interest Making Headlines Politics Top Stories World News

Nation of Self-Obsessed Attention Hogs Whine  About Sea Levels Rising Due to Climate Change

FUNAFUTI, TUVALU– After years of whining and moaning about possible ecological devastation and flooding which would render their entire country uninhabitable, little Tuvalu finally got its moment in the sun when the international press threw the petulant brats a handful…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nation of Self-Obsessed Attention Hogs Whine  About Sea Levels Rising Due to Climate Change
Posted in Entertainment Technology World News

Mutharika Makes Statement On Vampires

As the world becomes a smaller place thanks to digital technology, it’s becoming easier than ever to pass ideas from one culture to another. Digital streaming means that we can view films that were made in other countries and in…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mutharika Makes Statement On Vampires
Posted in Health World News

Trump Is Deluded About Coronavirus!

You guys probably wonder – how long will this plague last? Well, apparently, very long. But according to President Trump at least the quarantine will be over!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Is Deluded About Coronavirus!
Posted in Health Politics World News

Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague

The Democratic Party have come out all guns blazing against Trump’s increasingly intolerant, hateful and belligerent rhetoric against… An evil virus that has already killed over 15 000 people worldwide.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague
Conservative Party
Posted in Health Politics World News

Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”

After railing for years against billionaire purple property luvvies and experts, Michael Gove is furious the Tories have finally succumbed to the siren song of mainstream science.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”
Posted in Health World News

Corona Madness Round Up (Cos We Ain’t Had Enough Reality Satire!)

“Shit” 4 Brains Apocalypse! First of all, we’ll start off with the biggest (and scarcest) arsewipes in the world… HOARDERs! I mean like WTF normies?! Man up normies an’ wipe yer damn arse yerself! Anyone else notice that when you…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Corona Madness Round Up (Cos We Ain’t Had Enough Reality Satire!)
Pride flag
Posted in Serious Commentary World News

100 to 1 Ratio?! Social Media Page of UK’s Fox News Wannabe’s Striking Questions On Attitude Shifts

This is based on something I originally published on Medium on March 03, 2020. My post from around 3pm UK time (i.e. March 03) shows something VERY striking about social media today, with potentially HUGE ramifications in terms of social…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 100 to 1 Ratio?! Social Media Page of UK’s Fox News Wannabe’s Striking Questions On Attitude Shifts
Posted in Politics Serious Commentary World News

SCAM ALERT! ‘Pro Religious’ Politicians are NOT a Friend to Religious People!

The dangers of reactionary overshoot: do self-styled populist and conservative politicians who ‘love God’ really want to help religious people?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SCAM ALERT! ‘Pro Religious’ Politicians are NOT a Friend to Religious People!
Posted in Politics World News

WINNING! So, What’s New This Week on Glossy News Satire?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Aaaaaaaand we’re about to hit another exciting week on Glossy News Satire! In the non-satire world, things are pretty hectic. The bustling US Democratic nomination field is narrowing further and further, Trump is still on Twitter doing his thing, pollsters…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! WINNING! So, What’s New This Week on Glossy News Satire?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Media journalists
Posted in Health Politics World News

Billionaire Purple Property Journos Can’t Wait to Tell You About their Foolproof Coronavirus Cunning Plan!

Well-heeled London glitterati media hacks Jon Snow and Nick Robinson just can’t wait to tell you about the latest earth-shattering Coronavirus intervention out there!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Billionaire Purple Property Journos Can’t Wait to Tell You About their Foolproof Coronavirus Cunning Plan!