Posted in Biz News Politics Top Stories

Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading

Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading Washington, DC (AP). In a bold show of insane “kaka” the President last week conveyed to his favourite Fox news slime—Lou Dobbs (aka LouDo)—an autographed exhibit showing a 1900 point…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading
Posted in Health Politics


As everyone knows, President Trump fails to grasp the danger of the coronavirus pandemic because nobody has bothered to explain it to him in ways he’ll understand.

Posted in Politics

Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma

There are pros and cons to being one of the states that’s involved in Super Tuesday. The pros are largely the fact that you can have a major impact on who ends up running the country – or even stands…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 7.0: Another One for Luck!

184 Cause of the pandemic? Trump’s reign became toxic and his tweets went viral.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 7.0: Another One for Luck!
Posted in Health Politics World News

Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague

The Democratic Party have come out all guns blazing against Trump’s increasingly intolerant, hateful and belligerent rhetoric against… An evil virus that has already killed over 15 000 people worldwide.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!

In a time of trouble, the laughs just keep on coming! No matter what! Thanks for another amazing week at Glossy News Satire! Thanks for all the reads and shares… Both for the site and for our social media! Well,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!
Conservative Party
Posted in Health Politics World News

Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”

After railing for years against billionaire purple property luvvies and experts, Michael Gove is furious the Tories have finally succumbed to the siren song of mainstream science.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”
Posted in Health Politics

GOP EXPLODE into Factions over Coronavirus Strategies!

Trump’s recent pronouncements on Coronavirus have been highly controversial. However, other Republicans are here to save the day

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GOP EXPLODE into Factions over Coronavirus Strategies!
Posted in Internets Tubes Politics


Libraries are a major place for the fake media to place their destructive materials. After all, the very word “Library” begins with “lie.” Something to think about. I am smarter and know more than all our Intelligence Agencies. That fact…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! FUTURE TRUMP TWEETS!
Posted in Politics Travel

Trump to Demolish ‘Grotesque, Ugly, Pointless Eyesore’ RUSHMORE & Replace With Something BETTER!

History is bunk, as Henry Ford says. Maybe that’s why Trump wants to ‘Repeal and Replace.’ After centuries of pointlessly encumbering the tremendous as yet unexploited and unredeemed fracking landscape of South Dakota, Mount Rushmore’s 4 “Totally fake, totally overrated,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump to Demolish ‘Grotesque, Ugly, Pointless Eyesore’ RUSHMORE & Replace With Something BETTER!