Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 7.0: Another One for Luck!

184 Cause of the pandemic? Trump’s reign became toxic and his tweets went viral.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 7.0: Another One for Luck!
Posted in Health World News

Trump Is Deluded About Coronavirus!

You guys probably wonder – how long will this plague last? Well, apparently, very long. But according to President Trump at least the quarantine will be over!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Is Deluded About Coronavirus!
Posted in Health Politics World News

Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague

The Democratic Party have come out all guns blazing against Trump’s increasingly intolerant, hateful and belligerent rhetoric against… An evil virus that has already killed over 15 000 people worldwide.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Democrats & CNN Denounce Trump’s ‘Hateful Attitude’ to Mass-Murdering Death Plague
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!

In a time of trouble, the laughs just keep on coming! No matter what! Thanks for another amazing week at Glossy News Satire! Thanks for all the reads and shares… Both for the site and for our social media! Well,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bringing Down the Haaaaaaas! Weekly Review: & What’s Coming Next in Satire?!
Conservative Party
Posted in Health Politics World News

Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”

After railing for years against billionaire purple property luvvies and experts, Michael Gove is furious the Tories have finally succumbed to the siren song of mainstream science.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Michael Gove EXPLODES! “Coronavirus Policy is Being Taken Over By EXPERTS!”
Posted in Top Stories

“Does this Stress Make Me Look Fat?” (Chapter Four: Wild Life)

More from Anthony Rhody’s book serial: “Does This Stress Make Me Look Fat?” It’s a fact. My most recent dog loved cantaloupe and honeydew. He was a “melancholy.” I wonder what percentage of German shepherds are antisemitic. I wonder if,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Does this Stress Make Me Look Fat?” (Chapter Four: Wild Life)
Posted in Health World News

Corona Madness Round Up (Cos We Ain’t Had Enough Reality Satire!)

“Shit” 4 Brains Apocalypse! First of all, we’ll start off with the biggest (and scarcest) arsewipes in the world… HOARDERs! I mean like WTF normies?! Man up normies an’ wipe yer damn arse yerself! Anyone else notice that when you…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Corona Madness Round Up (Cos We Ain’t Had Enough Reality Satire!)
Posted in Biz News

The Dangers of Making Outlandish Predictions to Get Attention

Cryptocurrency exists to enable us to conveniently make payments online, across borders, without having to bother about a third party gaining control over our whole transactional process. Nowadays, people use Bitcoin for all kinds of transactions, from purchasing online items…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Dangers of Making Outlandish Predictions to Get Attention
Posted in Top Stories

Important News for Our Readers, Writers & Advertisers!

As Glossy News Satire is not the biggest publication out there (YET!) 😉 It’s really rather important for us to constantly strive to boost site income. Not only my personal income, but that of the boss and his family, are…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Important News for Our Readers, Writers & Advertisers!
Posted in Serious Commentary Society

The War on ‘Flag Wavers’ is a White Supremacist Agenda

If you believe everything you hear, ‘flag waving’ and ‘patriotism’ are the root of all evil. But actually, such a view is itself founded upon white supremacy. One thing that was noticed by one of my favorite writers a long…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The War on ‘Flag Wavers’ is a White Supremacist Agenda