Posted in Entertainment Human Interest Music Opinion/Editorial Television Top Stories

Social Distancing? Hey, No Problem For We Misanthropes!

Stay six feet away? I do that anyway! Stay home and don’t have guests? Ditto! Don’t touch anyone? Bingo! Avoid people? You got it! I got this whole quarantine thing down and I don’t even have to change any of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Social Distancing? Hey, No Problem For We Misanthropes!
Posted in Biz News Politics Top Stories

Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading

Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading Washington, DC (AP). In a bold show of insane “kaka” the President last week conveyed to his favourite Fox news slime—Lou Dobbs (aka LouDo)—an autographed exhibit showing a 1900 point…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump orders Barr to Investigate Mother Nature for Insider Trading
Posted in Health Top Stories

Hottest New Mutation on the Market Goes Viral

The short science behind the hot specs. You’ve heard of COVID-19: It’s the new discovery, the new disease, and the fastest-growing on the market, despite the recent dips on Wall Street! Legend has it that in the 1960s, some stuffy old White…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hottest New Mutation on the Market Goes Viral
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Top Stories

3 Tips for Medical Appointment Scheduling

If you work in the medical field, you probably already know that it is going to be the medical appointment scheduling that is essentially going to be the lifeblood of your entire practice.  This is because in order to ensure…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 3 Tips for Medical Appointment Scheduling
Posted in Health Serious Commentary

A Warning from Devon: Coronavirus is NOT About You!

Devon – where the welcome is as warm as the weather. “Gerroff moi laaand!” This is how you exercise social distancing, kids. Those of you too cool/selfish to adhere to the containment advice, please use condoms over the next few…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Warning from Devon: Coronavirus is NOT About You!
Posted in Biz News

Guide to Welding Sydney & NSW

When you weld two different pieces of metal together, it is going to form a very permanent bond by taking the metals and melting them to their melting point. Once they have reached this particular temperature, they are then mixed…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Guide to Welding Sydney & NSW
Posted in Health Politics


As everyone knows, President Trump fails to grasp the danger of the coronavirus pandemic because nobody has bothered to explain it to him in ways he’ll understand.

Posted in Biz News

How to Care For Wine

Over the span of the last several years, the consumption of wine has become a much more popular thing.  With more people starting to invest their money into bottles of wine that can be saved for later consumption or even…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How to Care For Wine
Posted in Politics

Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma

There are pros and cons to being one of the states that’s involved in Super Tuesday. The pros are largely the fact that you can have a major impact on who ends up running the country – or even stands…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Super Tuesday Looms Large For Oklahoma
Posted in Biz News

Essential Requirements Needed During Credit Card Application

The process of applying for a credit card itself is simple, although getting it approved is what causes an alarm to many. You can never be assured that the lender will give you a credit card. However, there is an…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Essential Requirements Needed During Credit Card Application