Posted in Politics War Zone

William Hague: Humanitarian Liquidation for Illegitimate GQ Editorial Regime

William Hague may no longer be (Anti)Foreign(er) Minister and Vice-Viceroy of the British Humanitarian Empire™… Nor indeed, a key business strategist for IntCom Imperialist Enterprises™… Still, he has maintained his healthy, thoroughly admirable, and perfectly laudable interest of all… To…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! William Hague: Humanitarian Liquidation for Illegitimate GQ Editorial Regime
Posted in Entertainment Strange People

Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (1)

The End of The Truth? Glossynews, as you all no doubt agree (merely because WE say so; reason enough, right?!), is the single most… sorry, the SINGLE AND SOLE respected media outlet in the world. Well, in a world filled…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (1)
Posted in Environment

Lame Duck Damaged, Begs Extinction

Environmentalists and naturalists have sounded the alarm for a threatened avian species resident in Washington, D.C. Having been spotted in the region for close to six years, this bird has recently suffered numerous setbacks and setblacks and appears to be…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Lame Duck Damaged, Begs Extinction
Posted in Politics Strange People

David Duke “Clarifies” Anti-Semitic Comments

Famously-allegedly-ish “non-racist™” White supremacist; oh sorry, how un-PC; I meant achingly conspicuous “racial realist™” David Duke has popped out (sorry, popped up) once again. Yes, His Most Exalted Ideological Hipsterness has recently expressed what he calls his “utmost sincere contrition…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! David Duke “Clarifies” Anti-Semitic Comments
Posted in Politics

Entire International Community Fits/Meets Inside Tiny Beltway Café

Recently, the entire International Community™ met together in a miniscule Beltway Café in Washington. Obviously, this vast group agreed unanimously and without exception concerning all the Matters of Grave Common Concern™ that are of importance to Our Common Humanity.™ And,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Entire International Community Fits/Meets Inside Tiny Beltway Café
Posted in Health Religionism

Vatican Wafer Gate

Wikileaks has done it again. The release of 3.4 billion database searchable electronic records is reverberating around the Internet with many new stunning revelations. The latest to be revealed is a series of directives between the US and the Vatican….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Vatican Wafer Gate
Posted in Crime Politics

Pelosi’s Socialist Speech Code, Anti-GOP Persecution

In a move causing widespread ripples of non-surprise, Nancy Pelosi has not-so-secretly used her Senatorial Privileges to unilaterally ram through a Socialist Speech Code for Californian police. Don’t worry; obviously, this use of the previously unheard-of Senatorial Decree option is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pelosi’s Socialist Speech Code, Anti-GOP Persecution
Posted in Society

Richest 1% Buys U.S. Military to Protect them from Other 99% of Society

In a surprising development, the upper 1% of the richest Americans have purchased the entire U.S. military to protect them from the other 99% that they lord over. All troops except those actively engaging an enemy somewhere in the world…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Richest 1% Buys U.S. Military to Protect them from Other 99% of Society
Posted in Politics Sportsfolk

Hillary is Not Bad at Basketball… Period. But She WILL be President!

Rachel Maddow of the left-leaning news network MSNBC has defended Hillary Clinton from malicious and false conservative allegations that she is bad at basketball. See this transcript:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hillary is Not Bad at Basketball… Period. But She WILL be President!
Posted in War Zone World News

“Bibi, stop bombing or we’ll cut your bullets,” Obama Tells Netanyahu

Gaza, an open-air prison? Israel’s $3 billion-a-year welfare check threatened? America scolds Israel? STOP THE PRESS!!! A leaked White House transcript of a heated phone-call earlier today reveals that US President Barack Obama told Israel’s Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Bibi, stop bombing or we’ll cut your bullets,” Obama Tells Netanyahu