Posted in Politics

Republicans & Al-Qaeda face Conundrum of How to Continue their Escalating Evil!

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—With its escalating insanity in the choice of its presidential nominees, from Reagan to George W. Bush to Donald Trump, the Republican Party has borrowed a strategy from al Qaeda to maximize terror in the American public, according…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Republicans & Al-Qaeda face Conundrum of How to Continue their Escalating Evil!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Pollsters Predict Catastrophic UK General Election Defeat For Conservatives

UK polling organisations have today published their predictions for the June 8th UK General Election. They forecast unanimously that the Conservatives will suffer a crushing defeat, losing their majority in parliament.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pollsters Predict Catastrophic UK General Election Defeat For Conservatives
Posted in Education Internets Tubes

7 Ways to Make College Work Again

NOTE FROM WALLACE: Those with sharp eyes will notice Brian didn’t say ‘Make College Great Again,’ but ‘Make College Work Again.’ Just thought I’d point that out, because everyone is accused of being pro-Trump or pro-Hillary, or even a Bernie…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 7 Ways to Make College Work Again
Posted in Human Interest

SJWs Embrace Diversity with their Customary Consistency

SJWs BE LIKE Diversity is not up for debate! ALL MEANS ALL! I’m 100% in favour of diversity, no exceptions! …

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SJWs Embrace Diversity with their Customary Consistency
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Entertainment

Poetry About, and Poetry By

Tomorrow, we’ve got a great treat for you! Stalwart Glossy News contributor rfreed has some Sarah Palin poems. Have you ever thought about writing in the persona of someone else? For satire, it’s one thing to write poems about someone….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Poetry About, and Poetry By
Posted in Top Stories

(Meme): A Lesson from the Donald


WTF?! Click now to find out more! (Meme): A Lesson from the Donald
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Top Stories

What If The Governments of the World Were Run Like Game Shows? (1/2)

In many countries of the world the government is the sole producer of all television broadcasting. They decide what will be aired, what will be written, who will star in what and who will be shot for making the wrong…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! What If The Governments of the World Were Run Like Game Shows? (1/2)
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Do It Yourself Future News Headlines

If you look at enough different newspapers enough different times you find things can be quite similar. The rags always seem to be re-circulating the same type of newsworthy cadavers again and again. The names and the places change, but…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Do It Yourself Future News Headlines
Posted in Politics

American Voter Turnout Shrinks to Six People in 2028

In the year 2028, voter turnout fell in the United States to such an extent that only six people voted in that year’s presidential election. The winner, Republican Lee Dumbluck, received three of the six votes, while the Democrat received…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! American Voter Turnout Shrinks to Six People in 2028
Posted in Serious Commentary

Who are Really Stigmatizing Legal Migrants? It’s the Apologists for Illegal Immigration.

If Leo Strauss were with us today, he’d add Reductio ad Trumpium to his Reduction ad Hitlerum.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Who are Really Stigmatizing Legal Migrants? It’s the Apologists for Illegal Immigration.