Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump blames Alt Left for Cross Dressed Statues

An angry and mentally battered President Trump condemned the Alt-Left for vandalizing Confederate Statues in several cities overnight; including dressing one up in a pink bra and layered skirt.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump blames Alt Left for Cross Dressed Statues
Posted in World News

Donald Trump Blames ‘Divisive Alt-Left Troublemakers’ for Nazi Atrocities

Hot on the heels of his recent condemnation of the Alt-Left’s perceived role in Charlottesville, crossed-dressed statues and (via Comrade Saruman) the great Minas Tirith massacre in Tolkien’s equally imaginary fantasy fairyland of Gondor… The Donald is now playing a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Blames ‘Divisive Alt-Left Troublemakers’ for Nazi Atrocities
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Saruman Channels Trump: ‘The Elves and Sauron are Just as Bad as Each Other’

Pale male master wizard and leader of the Free World Saruman the White has recently come out swinging about the shameless partisanship of the recent Minas Tirith massacre. Look, everybody… He says in his sardonic Somerset drawl:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Saruman Channels Trump: ‘The Elves and Sauron are Just as Bad as Each Other’
Posted in Religionism

Nostradamus vs. Obama… & Trump

Occident, Evening Lands, Seething Swamp A Splendid Virtue’s Master Shall Arise.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nostradamus vs. Obama… & Trump
Posted in Health Politics

Liberals Accused of Insensitivity for Mocking Mentally-Disordered President Trump

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Martha Mollycoddle, the mother of a man diagnosed as a psychopath and currently undergoing treatment in a hospital for the criminally insane, has begun a campaign to shame liberals and Democrats for mocking President Trump as a result…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Liberals Accused of Insensitivity for Mocking Mentally-Disordered President Trump
Posted in Health Politics

God Praised for Outfitting Donald Trump with Self-Destruct Button

Dateline: LOS ANGELES—Thousands of Americans, who resist Donald Trump’s presidency on the grounds that he is literally a psychopath, have formed a religious group calling for praise of God for supplying the psychopath Donald Trump with a self-destruct button. The…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Praised for Outfitting Donald Trump with Self-Destruct Button
Posted in Politics

Mensa Makes Special Genius Category For Trump.

Mensa, the international high intelligence group that only accepts people who pass a difficult IQ test, have in the age of Trump found a troubling enigma that has causes them to review their intelligence statuses. The present President-select has provided…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mensa Makes Special Genius Category For Trump.
Posted in Top Stories

Drugs Policy Interview: Donald Trump

WALLACE: Hi Donald! I hear you wanted me to interview you. You must be on something. How’s all that ‘smash the MIC’ shit workin’ out for ya?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Drugs Policy Interview: Donald Trump
Posted in Politics War Zone

Trump Scores “Tremendous” Deal w/Putin, Gets Full Refund on Alaska

Having met with top campaign contributor and social media guru Vladimir Putin, Trump came out glowing with the announcement that Alaska will be returned to Russia for “a full refund, cash!”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Scores “Tremendous” Deal w/Putin, Gets Full Refund on Alaska
Posted in Top Stories

Melania Trump to Divorce the President Over ‘Unreasonable Behavior’

Melania Trump is filing divorce papers. The First Lady is finally sick of the Donald’s ‘unreasonable behavior.’ This confidential excerpt is very revealing.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Melania Trump to Divorce the President Over ‘Unreasonable Behavior’