Category: Top Stories
LeBron Emerges as Trump’s Biggest Threat
By his own admission, Donald Trump knows a lot of words but in recent days, the term “avoision” may be at the top of his list. Having successfully escaped from his impeachment trial, the President seems to be untouchable in…
PLAY IT BACKWARDS, DAMMIT! Fans Find HORRIFYING Satanic Messages in Paula White’s Prayers!
Part time heavily closeted Satanist and full time not so closeted Satanic loon Paula White-CAIN has recently addressed the Prosperity Gospel Annual Convention at Gilman Hot Springs, California. Offering up prayers to the self-appointed King of Kings and Lord of…
Trumpisms 6.0: Cos You Can’t Keep a Good Hater Down!
146 If Roberts rules for order, he could right the Schiff of state. 147 Britain has its Brexit. Now we need our Trumpxit. 148 Putin has finally confessed — mea culpa crime mea. Trump should too, as the metoo president….
Special, New Holiday Made For President Trump Because He Is Special And New!
Our feckless leader, Prosidentia Trump, is upset because he wants to stand above the other former Presidents of the United States who he feels are lesser than he is. He does not want to have to share the holiday ‘President’s…
Roll Over Chairman! Corona Virus Parody #2!
Yesterday’s Shitty Xi Parody, oh sorry, SHIFTY XI parody, went down like a bomb! … Er sorry, like a tinder-dry Tenga egg! Ah well, never mind! Here’s something a bit more juicy, salty, and… Some would say TOXIC. Should’ve worn…
“Shifty Xi” Jinping Caught With Pants Down in Edgy ‘The Clash’ Cover!
He’s the Schmo with the bros! But he ain’t the Worker’s Messiah, he’s just a very naughty… Something or other. Shifty Xi is a master of propaganda, so let’s watch him retrieve his flagging regime with this edgy song parody!…
Trumpocalypse… NOW?! Some of the Best Trump Cult Stories
Enjoy… Kind of. Let me know if we need to do another one of these! Not an exhaustive list by any means. Cartoonist Upchuck with a timely, timeless allegory! Well, somebody just to had to stick their neck out…
Top Team Building Games Your Employees Would Love to Play
Top Team Building Games your Employees Would Love to Play Teamwork makes the dream work this has been at the centre stage bringing a cheerful mood and a workplace happiness. With the time that most co-workers working very hard meeting…
Where to Buy Bitcoin
Bitcoin took the world by storm in 2017 when prices of bitcoin doubled in 2016 and 2017. This resulted in major investors considering the currency.Bitcoin is a crypto currency that was developed by a group of unknown individual programmers. The…
AG Barr Tested By President on Shitter Laments- “1000 more Shits… and I’m f*cking through.”
“The President showed restraint immediately following the rare Shit from his AG, posting 79 additional Shit’s regarding open and active cases. He capped off his morning finger exercises with this Shit directed specifically at Barr.”