Category: Society
“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey (^-^) Today’s issue: Sex with a subordinate?
Announcer: Monica Lewinsky was recently interviewed about her affair with former President Bill Clinton. Dick and Janey’s guest today on “Yucky World” will be Hedda Enabler, spokesperson for the National Association of Disorganized Women. They will be discussing the fact…
Michelle Obama Debuts New College Degree Plan at Rutgers: Professional Vacationer
New Brunswick, NJ – Smiling, and without a care in the world, FLOTUS showed up at Rutgers University today to unveil a brand new academic program she is credited with creating, in conjunction with the Board of Regents, that should…
“Yucky World” Guest Topic: Is government product safety running amok?
Announcer: Some people believe the federal government is going overboard in its efforts to protect us from hurting ourselves. “Yucky World” talk show hosts Dick and Janey will be discussing this issue with their guest, Consumer Protection Agency representative Miss…
Wealthy Man Replaces his Sexist & Racist Thoughts with Clones to Silence Critics
Dateline: NEW YORK–Tired of being accused of having stereotypical ideas of women and racial minorities, the gazillionaire Roderick Billington set about spending his vast fortune to perfect his conceptions. “I realized the essence of the problem early on,” he said….
My Mother Was A Margarine Smuggler
Yes, it is true. Shameful but true. It is always difficult for the children of those involved in criminal activities to confront their past and the social stigmas associated with such behavior, but at some time it must be faced….
A Solution to Our Prison Problem – Soccer Balls
Newsflash: Our prison population over the past two decades has soared to a record-bursting 2.4 million, according to almost one out of every 100 Americans is currently incarcerated. (Personally, I blame Hollywood celebutantes Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Justin…
Cancer to be Rebranded the ‘Super King Slimming Disease’ by Cigarette Companies
Court documents revealed today in a US class action have described what the big tobacco firms intend to do, now that their growing markets in the emerging economies are becoming more aware of the associated health risks of smoking. The…
Study shows Men Secretly Resent Women’s Phatness
Dateline: NEW YORK—Islamic states are infamous in the West for forcing women to wear burqas, since those outer garments obscure the shape of women’s bodies and are thus odious from a feminist standpoint. Defenders of the sexist laws typically resort…
Corrupt Cops Copping Their Karma
Reading comments after Yahoo articles are, at best, a good way to while away time in need of being wasted or in bringing your blood pressure to near hospitalization levels. Usually it is just full of mudslinging and name calling…
Jet-Wheel Stowaway Forces Airports to Increase Security Illusions
SAN JOSE, CALIF. — Following a 15-year-old boy’s recent stowaway ride across the Pacific Ocean, authorities at San Jose International Airport say they plan to work with the FAA in an effort to step up their security illusions, sources report….