Posted in Entertainment Strange People

Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (2)

-Peter, great loyalty demands great sacrifice As you found out last time, the entire Glossy News team has been arrested on fake charges for prostitution… Although a certain informer called Wallace Runnymede (who shall remain anonymous, in order to have…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (2)
Posted in Health Science

Widespread Ebola Pandemic Fears A “Huge Confidence Booster” For Previously Modest Ebolavirus

SENEGAL – Explaining that it was, “as surprised as the next viral particle,” about the panic surrounding a potential global Ebola outbreak, EBOV, the virus responsible for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, held a press conference this week detailing its seemingly pleasant…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Widespread Ebola Pandemic Fears A “Huge Confidence Booster” For Previously Modest Ebolavirus
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

LGBTQQ Community Finally Exhausts Alphabet

It’s finally happened. The non-traditional sexuality and gender communities have exhausted the alphabet in their attempts to include everyone under one umbrella acronym. Starting in the 1990s, those of different sexual persuasions started describing themselves as part of the LGBT…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! LGBTQQ Community Finally Exhausts Alphabet
Posted in Entertainment Strange People

Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (1)

The End of The Truth? Glossynews, as you all no doubt agree (merely because WE say so; reason enough, right?!), is the single most… sorry, the SINGLE AND SOLE respected media outlet in the world. Well, in a world filled…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Entire Glossy News Team Arrested On False Prostitution Charges (1)
Posted in Politics Religionism

“Yucky World” w/Dick and Janey: Pagan wants to secularize public schools

Announcer: A high school in Colorado recently banned religious speech during an “Open Time” period also known as Seminar. Previously, Jackson High School of Mill Creek, Washington, with the support of the federal courts, banned the playing of an instrumental…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” w/Dick and Janey: Pagan wants to secularize public schools
Posted in Human Interest Religionism

42 Reasons Why Scientology is Literally The Absolute Truth (2)

Yesterday, we ran Part One of this story. Today we conclude with the aptly named “Part Two”. These articles as to why Scientology is right and true could as easily span a hundred articles or whole book of copyright protected…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 42 Reasons Why Scientology is Literally The Absolute Truth (2)
Posted in Human Interest Religionism

42 Reasons Why Scientology is Literally The Absolute Truth (1)

  You’ve probably noticed: haters always criticize Scientology. Well, I’m going to educate all you curious and ripe-for-the-picking folks out there on why the doubters are wrong as Hell. Admittedly, some conspicuously pretentious sophists will say that the reasons given…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 42 Reasons Why Scientology is Literally The Absolute Truth (1)
Posted in Human Interest Politics

How Is An American Treated When He Tries To Get a Job in Mexico?

Much ado is made of the treatment of Latin Americans coming across our borders looking for illegal work. But what happens when an American goes to Mexico to get a job. Roses are not exactly strewn across his path either….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How Is An American Treated When He Tries To Get a Job in Mexico?
Posted in Health Video News

Exclusive: Hidden Cameras Capture Truth Inside Twinkies [Video]

Sure, they may taste like banana rainbows and unicorn “stuff” when they’re finished, but what goes into a pastry as yellow and creamy as a Twinkie may make you yellow and squeamish. We sent an undercover investigator in the depthy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Exclusive: Hidden Cameras Capture Truth Inside Twinkies [Video]
Posted in Crime Politics

Scandal: Many Republicans Found To Be Hooked On Koch

A shocking report has reached news desks throughout the country that many Republicans, especially those in great positions of responsibility, are hooked on Koch. Koch, which first made it appearance in the 40’s, has become more virulent in recent years….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Scandal: Many Republicans Found To Be Hooked On Koch