Category: Society
Hotheads’ Violence Caused by Hot Climates, Study Finds
Dateline: GREENLAND—A sociobiological study from Bigwig University in Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland shows that the areas around the world with the hottest temperatures tend to be inhabited by more aggressive, bellicose peoples, or “hotheads,” as the study calls them, while colder zones…
Man With Skin Cancer Loathes Doctors, Dies Without Medical Treatment
Dateline: NEW JERSEY—Morris Berbowski, a 53 year-old man, died from skin cancer after refusing to be treated by any doctor for seven years, because he couldn’t find one who wasn’t “a condescending douchebag.” He was constantly mistreated by medical professionals,…
“Diversity” is as “Diversity” Does
Gotta love diversity! You can be a hater in pretty much any way you want, and that’s OK, because ‘diversity’ is meritorious in itself. If ‘diversity’ means cultural enrichment from Salafi Jihadists, Neo-Nazis, Alt-Right bigots, Holocaust deniers, Humanitarian Interventionists, Anti-Vaxxers,…
Buddhism May be the Religion of Peace… But Hitch Was Having None of it
Hitchens once said these very striking words: Far from his holier-than-all image, the Dalai Lama supports such questionable causes as India’s nuclear testing, sex with prostitutes and accepting donations from a Japanese terrorist cult. *** Oh dear. Somebody tell Hollywood….
Who is More Callous? A Neocon Extremist or an Islamist Extremist?
Christopher Hitchens & Ayatollah Khomeini. One is a violent extremist and vicious radical ideologue who held the lives of innocent human beings in exceedingly low esteem. The other one…
(Trigger Warning) Evil Islamophobic Bigots Burning Burqas
Hate speech is not freedom of speech! How dare these privileged hegemonic Islamophobic bigots impose a single, monolithic interpretation upon the Burqa?!
Politicians, Pundits and Pursuers of Poontang
I wanted to learn a second language. There are approximately 6,900 of them out there to choose from and I couldn’t decide which one to spend my time on.
The United States Successfully Imprisons All of its Citizens
In the year 2024, the United States perfected its prison industry by imprisoning all of its citizens, including the judges, lawyers, and police. Trials thereafter occurred within prison cells, as did all other business and family matters.
Sneak Peek at our “How it’s Really Made” feature film
First look at our mockumentary featurette about Bobby Joe H. Jr. Jr., the narrator of all our “How It’s REALLY Made” edutainment videos. The full playlist is available on YouTube. 4K/UHD Principle photography is already finished, and we’re now editing…
My Open Letter to the Guy Crossing the Street Against Traffic Without Looking up
Dear person who never looks up while crossing the street, no matter how much traffic there is, Hey, how’s it going? I hope I didn’t interrupt you from anything important. Please, by all means, go ahead and finish texting LOL…