Category: Society
Lonely Single Man Seeks Someone Just to Laugh at his Jokes
Dateline: OMAHA—A lonely Nebraskan man is wistful about the many years he’s spent with no life partner to marvel at his witty remarks. Douglas Cunningham, aged 53, is single and has lived alone in a small apartment in Omaha for…
Bad Keming: Than K Yo u Th Ank You
Howdy Interweb folks! I’m Bobby Joe, and this here editorial makin’ kinda guy is known to our all ‘n’ sundries as the Brian K. White. K is also what you git in the kerning. Now how do kerning be defined?…
Trial By Fire… I Survived 13 Bouts With Cancer
So, I now reside in the small town of McDonough, just a few miles south of Atlanta in Georgia. I am a proud grandfather of four. I live with my grandchildren and five chihuahua rescues who have space to roam…
7 Ways to Make College Work Again
NOTE FROM WALLACE: Those with sharp eyes will notice Brian didn’t say ‘Make College Great Again,’ but ‘Make College Work Again.’ Just thought I’d point that out, because everyone is accused of being pro-Trump or pro-Hillary, or even a Bernie…
United Airlines Brings Back Its Friendly Skies
Lately, United Airlines’ longstanding motto, Fly the Friendly Skies, has taken a serious tumble. On a recent flight four passengers were told they had to disembark to make room for airline personnel.
SJWs Embrace Diversity with their Customary Consistency
SJWs BE LIKE Diversity is not up for debate! ALL MEANS ALL! I’m 100% in favour of diversity, no exceptions! …
Boys Beware – Actual anti-LGBT propaganda from 1961
NOTE FROM WALLACE: Brian has done a good public service by digging up this downright creepy moral panic video from 1961. This video is wrong on so many levels: conflating “homosexuality” with underage sex, medicalizing same-sex attraction, unnecessary fearmongering… Ridiculous.
Don’t Ever Ever Use GoDaddy… They Do Some good, But Mostly Fraud?
Ages ago I helped a friend make a website. Today I got a renewal notification. Apparently I’ve been paying for his site for years without noticing it. I called to shut it down, and they told me tough luck. Nope,…
The Best Way to Eat for Cheap in Your Hotel
How to get the best value out of your hotels. You can get SO MUCH cheap stuff right in your room you wouldn’t even believe. Cheap and healthy food is just the beginning, now imagine we show you how to…
Sneak Peek of the Hillbilly Documentary Series (Exclusive)
WEB EXTRA — for our upcoming feature film “How Bobby Joe Really Do,” or whatever it ends up being titled. Bobby Joe explains where he’s from and why he’s got such a crazy accent! More at and