The Best Way to Eat for Cheap in Your Hotel

How to get the best value out of your hotels. You can get SO MUCH cheap stuff right in your room you wouldn’t even believe.

Cheap and healthy food is just the beginning, now imagine we show you how to also get cheap and healthy escorts while we’re at it!

If you want to eat healthy, even when you’re riding dirty, this is the ultimate guide.

We cover fruits & vegetables, beverages, and… you know, that other thing you really, really want to buy in your hotel room when you’re on the road… if you know what I mean.

Royalty-free music “Sneaky Snitch” and “Doobly Doo.”
by Kevin MacLeod —

Outro by Greg the Hero.

Watch it here:

Author: Brian White

Brian first began peddling his humorous wares with a series of Xerox printed books in fifth grade. Since then he's published over two thousand satire and humor articles, as well as eight stage plays, a 13-episode cable sitcom and three (terrible) screenplays. He is a freelance writer by trade and an expert in the field of viral entertainment marketing. He is the author of many of the biggest hoaxes of recent years, a shameful accomplishment in which he takes exceptional pride.