Posted in Human Interest Strange People

‘Fearless Romantic Charmer’ (Creep?) Marries Bradford Lass After 100 Unexpected Cafe Visits (2/2)

Last time: The best thing of all is when I suddenly had a knock on the upstairs window at 4 am; the poor bugger had followed me home around 6 pm, and had finally plucked up the courage to speak…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ‘Fearless Romantic Charmer’ (Creep?) Marries Bradford Lass After 100 Unexpected Cafe Visits (2/2)
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

‘Fearless Romantic Charmer’ (Creep?) Marries Bradford Lass After 100 Unexpected Cafe Visits (1/2)

A hearty Yorkshire lass from Bradford has finally married the lad of her dreams, after the dogged persistence of her beau-to-be finally won her round. Lucy Scappaticci, who works at the Baker’s End Cafe, first noticed Wee Davie Singh when…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ‘Fearless Romantic Charmer’ (Creep?) Marries Bradford Lass After 100 Unexpected Cafe Visits (1/2)
Posted in Strange People Travel

Heathrow Discrimination Case: Air Traffic Controller Exposed as an Orchestra Conductor

Heathrow airport air traffic controller Adam Powis 51, has been exposed as an orchestra conductor and subsequently sacked. Heathrow boss Tom Stacey commented:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Heathrow Discrimination Case: Air Traffic Controller Exposed as an Orchestra Conductor
Posted in Religionism World News

Jeremy Corbyn Denounces ‘Islamophobic Stereotypes’ Surrounding ISIS ‘Rapists’

Fresh from throwing Sarah Champion under the off-peak Trot Train after her article about predominantly Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs, Jeremy Corbyn has continued his heroic crusade against Islamophobia… By challenging ignorant right-wing neoliberal mainstream establishment stereotypes about the Islamic State.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jeremy Corbyn Denounces ‘Islamophobic Stereotypes’ Surrounding ISIS ‘Rapists’
Posted in Human Interest Society

Funny Story, Unfunny Reality: Where to Draw the Line of Removing Monuments?

Satire World is a controversial site: but this article does raise a serious point.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Funny Story, Unfunny Reality: Where to Draw the Line of Removing Monuments?
Posted in Religionism

Nostradamus vs. Obama… & Trump

Occident, Evening Lands, Seething Swamp A Splendid Virtue’s Master Shall Arise.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nostradamus vs. Obama… & Trump
Posted in Religionism

Northern Bible I: The Disciples Mansplain the Resurrection

Mary Magdalene: He is risen! Come and see the empty tomb! Peter: Calm down, love. You’re obviously getting a bit emotional. Shouldn’t you be sweeping the ‘ouse now, anyroad?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Northern Bible I: The Disciples Mansplain the Resurrection
Posted in Society World News

Britain’s NHS Offers Free Racial Reassignment Surgery to Transracial Community

Following the pioneering path charted by Rachel Dolezal, the UK’s Transracial Community are finally emerging from the shadows, into the full light of day. The steadily-growing and increasingly vocal Transracial lobby in the UK are now making full-throated demands for…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Britain’s NHS Offers Free Racial Reassignment Surgery to Transracial Community
Posted in Health Politics

Liberals Accused of Insensitivity for Mocking Mentally-Disordered President Trump

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Martha Mollycoddle, the mother of a man diagnosed as a psychopath and currently undergoing treatment in a hospital for the criminally insane, has begun a campaign to shame liberals and Democrats for mocking President Trump as a result…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Liberals Accused of Insensitivity for Mocking Mentally-Disordered President Trump
Posted in Health Politics

God Praised for Outfitting Donald Trump with Self-Destruct Button

Dateline: LOS ANGELES—Thousands of Americans, who resist Donald Trump’s presidency on the grounds that he is literally a psychopath, have formed a religious group calling for praise of God for supplying the psychopath Donald Trump with a self-destruct button. The…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Praised for Outfitting Donald Trump with Self-Destruct Button