Category: Technology
Deaf Inventor of Leaf Blower Unveils new Noisy Devices
Dateline: PITTSBURGH—Manny Hornblower, the deaf inventor of the leaf blower, has unveiled a series of new inventions, including the gas-powered page-turner, the motorized tea bag dipper, and the jet-fuelled food-chewing aid. The gas-powered leaf blower is popular with landscaping companies…
A Quick Guide to the Gmail Security Check-Up
If you’ve just updated your recovery details, e.g. phone number or alternative email address, you will see the Security Check-Up window.
GN Video: Tinder too Mainstream? Try Tillder!
A spin-off many of you may not have heard of? Yes, that’s right! You don’t have to be Shakespeare. Hell, you don’t even have to be Harvey Weinstein. Dump the script and let’s get it on!
Google Analytics for Satirists (I): Demographics and Facebook Ads
If you run a satire site, Google Analytics is very handy. Today, I’m going to remind you about something very important for those of you who run Facebook Ads for your satire site.
The Famous And Now Forgotten Word Warrior- The Paperclip Guy!
Do you remember way back in the foggy mist of Internet time the first and most infamous troll of all, the Paperclip Guy?
Satire Bloggers: Don’t Forget About SEO
With great regret, I’ve had to delete the two blogs from the Peace Criminals Project. The project was made up of Neocon Surveillance and Satirical-Industrial Complex; earlier on, there was also Neocon Surveillance Network, which was later folded into Neocon…
Don’t Ever Ever Use GoDaddy… They Do Some good, But Mostly Fraud?
Ages ago I helped a friend make a website. Today I got a renewal notification. Apparently I’ve been paying for his site for years without noticing it. I called to shut it down, and they told me tough luck. Nope,…
How Mountain Dew is Really Made [Video]
Mountain Dew is the Appalachian vitamin drink, but how do they really make it? The answer may very well surprise you, but it’s not that bad. You’ll see, it’s pretty good and pretty much safe. Playlist of How It’s REALLY…
Ever Wanted to Burn Your Money? Well Now You Can
Ever spent so much that it literally felt like you were burning money? While it’s never a good idea to spend more than you can afford, the idea of burning your money isn’t quite as bad as it used to…
Even casual PayPal users vexed by PayPal’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad customer service
I’ve been a PayPal user for ages. If you mistake them for a bank, you do so at your peril, because they charge the highest fees, offer the lowest interest of all (zero, for the curious), and getting customer service…