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Trump Blames Fractious Biden Debate on Imminent MAD Comedy Podcast

The first head to head debate between the two US presidential candidates that took place tonight (29 September) was universally declared by political pundits and the media alike as a disaster for President Donald Trump. In a rare moment of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Blames Fractious Biden Debate on Imminent MAD Comedy Podcast
Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories


Who are the Proud Boys anyway? What’s with the smart pink satin dressing gowns they flaunt around the East Side glory holes linked to Melania the Pole? No, don’t say you don’t give a fuck! You do give a FLYING…

Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trump Diverts Covid Cash to Fund Free Humvees for Ultra-Far Right Groups

The US economy has undoubtedly taken a massive hit due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Every tax dollar has to be especially wisely spent right now due to the crashing tax revenue caused by the virus. So, political pundits, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Diverts Covid Cash to Fund Free Humvees for Ultra-Far Right Groups
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trump Boasts Immunity to All Things Except Kryptonite

The President of the United States and leader of the free world, Donald Trump, today revealed to a stunned press pack that, after his tussle with the killer disease Covid 19 and his apparent vanquishing of the virus, he is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Boasts Immunity to All Things Except Kryptonite
Posted in Entertainment Health

Spin Doctored Quotes from Trump’s “McDreamy” and Other Doctors: Hippocratic or Hypocritical Oath?

By: Dr. Ken Hogarty Doctor Sean Conley, President Trump’s “Dr. McDreamy” physician, seemed to be spinning for his boss, characterizing the clinically obese POTUS as “slightly overweight” in a Walter Reed briefing. We think of Doctors as truth tellers, but…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Spin Doctored Quotes from Trump’s “McDreamy” and Other Doctors: Hippocratic or Hypocritical Oath?
Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories

Supreme Court Judge

10am, Albuquerque: In a move likely to lead to mass shootings within the US Postal service, a record 743 million Americans have already mailed in their ballots ahead of the November presidential election. “743 million is an odd number, so it’s obviously all…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Supreme Court Judge
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics

Title: Bye, bye, Ruthie, bye, bye! A Loving Tribute to RBG!

Title: Bye, bye, Ruthie, bye, bye! A Loving Tribute to RBG! By Mark Wilt I turned on the TV to watch the final shindig for that Judge Ginsburg woman. She did a lot for women and girls, I guess. Nobody…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Title: Bye, bye, Ruthie, bye, bye! A Loving Tribute to RBG!
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trump Reassures America of His Admiration of the Armed Forces by Starting a War with Iran

WASHINGTON, DC– Today, President Trump announced that he would declare war on the Islamic Republic of Iran in an effort to prove his dedication to and reverence of the US military, following accusations that he repeatedly maligning dead soldiers. Under…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Reassures America of His Admiration of the Armed Forces by Starting a War with Iran
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Will the result of the presidential election bring greater stability to the US?

It’s been a bit of a topsy-turvy time for US politics in recent months. Even before the coronavirus pandemic sent shockwaves around the world and created hysteria in politics, the US were dealing with the bitter impeachment charges which had…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Will the result of the presidential election bring greater stability to the US?
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Confession: If Trump Were Catholic

              “Bless me, Father, . . . ”               “Yes, my son? Remember the words? ‘For I have sinned.’”               “Sorry you’ve sinned too, but, frankly, even our buddy on St. Pete’s throne needs to get great again. Infallible? C’mon! Sometimes I think he’s a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Confession: If Trump Were Catholic