European Union
Posted in Serious Commentary

Deglobalisation is Not Enough: The Death of the Nation-State is Next!

Europe will still exist, even if we leave the EU. Europe is eternal. We will ALWAYS be part of Europe Well, yes. Of course! And… How much is it going to blow your mind if I told you the same…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Deglobalisation is Not Enough: The Death of the Nation-State is Next!
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Forget the Man in the High Castle, there’s Only One Game in Town for Edgy Alt-History Novels of WWII!

I’ve recently done two chapters bundles of my gripping alternative history novel, Auschwitz in Essex: see bundle 1 and bundle 2 on Patreon. AUSCHWITZ IN ESSEX. CHAPTER 1: London is Worth a Mass. The moon shone glumly over the lonesome…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Forget the Man in the High Castle, there’s Only One Game in Town for Edgy Alt-History Novels of WWII!
Posted in Politics

“Deep State”? Or Is It More Likely A “Deep Oligarchy”?

The Right has made much ado about there being a “Deep State” – a massive and deeply underground unification of different government agencies all bent on curtailing our freedoms. The interesting thing is that in past decades such talk during…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Deep State”? Or Is It More Likely A “Deep Oligarchy”?
Posted in Internets Tubes

Please Support Our Hilarious Satire Site! Here’s What You Can Do… Click On!

Despite being run on a shoestring, Glossy News have still managed to get tons of likes… But we need many, many more! Please like our Facebook page; and if you want, you can even change your follow settings to maximum…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Please Support Our Hilarious Satire Site! Here’s What You Can Do… Click On!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

A “How-To” for Your First Impeachment Party!

WELCOME and CONGRATULATIONS! A party planner for host and guest for the brand new 2019 winter fete: ‘The Impeachment Party!’ So you finally got the invite you were praying for. Now what to do? Dress

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A “How-To” for Your First Impeachment Party!
Income savings
Posted in Opinion/Editorial

Donate to World 4 Washington Now! Let’s Halt the Economic Genocide of US Federal Workers!

Please show your compassion and open your hearts to the oppressed federal workers of the United States Government. Although it’s hard to believe: even prior to the far right government shutdown, many destitute, impoverished, borderline penniless federal workers were scraping…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donate to World 4 Washington Now! Let’s Halt the Economic Genocide of US Federal Workers!
Posted in Crime Politics

Glossy News Exclusive Leak! ‘Rudy Giuliani Defense’ Finally Revealed!

Washington, DC- After months of seemingly incoherent and contradictory explanations, including this weekends bombshell revelation by the Presidents personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who admitted in a televised interview on Sunday, that President Donald Trump had ongoing contact with Vladimir Putin-connected…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Glossy News Exclusive Leak! ‘Rudy Giuliani Defense’ Finally Revealed!
Posted in Top Stories

Shut Out Fed Employees See What Real Life Is In The Labor Ghetto

Newspapers, news stations and radio airwaves are all ripe with the telling of the difficulties of Federal workers now separated from their jobs or working them as neo-slaves promised a future compensation due to the government shutdown. As most know…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Shut Out Fed Employees See What Real Life Is In The Labor Ghetto
Posted in Politics Top Stories

BREAKING NEWS: Canada Announces Plans to Build Southern Border Wall

Ottawa – Today, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivered a landmark speech to the combined chambers of the Canadian Parliament. He announced his plans to erect a 50-foot-tall wall along the entire length of the USA-Canadian border to keep them…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BREAKING NEWS: Canada Announces Plans to Build Southern Border Wall
Posted in Health Top Stories

Adderall Effectiveness Being Questioned After Recent Revelations

Adderall, the premier pharmaceutical prescribed for treatment of ADHD in many Americans, has recently had its effectiveness called into question. With a long history of providing focus to those who suffer from ADHD, it has historically been thought of as…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Adderall Effectiveness Being Questioned After Recent Revelations